Wednesday 25 July 2018

Cruelty Free Brands

Something I've been thinking about for a while but haven't got around to doing is make-up printables. Not that you are required to print them and so I got rather smug and thought that today's post would be announcing the launch of my printables page. But it's not because I'm not the technical wizard I thought I was.

But the first one I will put up is a list of my regularly used or discussed brands and which are cruelty-free and which are not. This is by no means a full list but it's the one that works for me and I thought it might be useful for you.

Hopefully I will be able to update you with joyous news of my printables page soon but for now I hope this is useful - it's an animal testing minefield out there so it's helpful to know what's what. Cruelty Free Kitty is my go-to place to check whether a brand is cruelty-free or not.

I've made it large here so it's easy to read but if you want to download it you can do so here

London Makeup Blog Cruelty Free List Page 1

London Makeup Blog Cruelty Free List Page 2

London Makeup Blog Cruelty Free List Page 3

London Makeup Blog Cruelty Free List Page 4


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