Friday 11 May 2018

Skin Rehydration Favourites

Skin is a tricky mistress and even something simple like rehydrating dehydrated skin can be tricky. These are my favourites for when I'm doing a skin rehydration bootcamp but too much of a humectant (like hyaluronic acid) can draw moisture from deep in the skin towards the surface so if you have a dry skin type you may want to watch your usage on this.

All products and reviews are listed below. If you want to then come on and join the Facebook group.

The Body Shop Camomile Cleansing Butter
Oskia Renaissance Cleansing Gel
Indeed Labs Hydraluron
NIOD Multi-Molecular Hyaluronic Complex
Origins Make A Difference Plus (for dry skin)
Origins Make A Difference Plus (for normal skin)
Origins Make A Difference Plus (for oily skin)
Epoch Glacial Marine Mud Mask
Gold Collagen Hydrogel Mask
Origins GinZing Tinted Moisturiser

The Body Shop Camomile Cleanser
Oskia Renaissance Cleansing Gel
Origins Make A Difference Plus (for dry skin)
Epoch Glacial Marine Mud Mask
Gold Collagen Heliogel Mask
Origins GinZing Tinted Moisturiser


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