Wednesday 30 May 2018

Avene Cicalfate

This cream is one of my most recommended products and yet I never mention it on the blog. There's no reason for that, I guess it's just not a very 'sexy' product. But it is absolutely bloody fantastic. It was once recommended to me years ago as a skin problem solver and so I bought it, not expecting much. But it really does solve a lot of problems and is a great product to have in your cupboard if you are prone to sensitive flair ups.

Avene Cicalfate Cream

The cream is designed to soothe irritated skin and it has antibacterial properties which help the healing process. If I have a reaction to something or a dry patch from over-use of retinol this immidiatly soothes and calms. It contains copper sulphate which helps the building process of collagen and elastin in the skin making it great for healing,  It also contains zinc sulphate which is a popular skincare ingredient for it's antibacterial properties and wound healing abilities.

This is not a moisturiser and you may find it drying so I use it to treat the patches where it's needed and then apply my moisturiser as normal. This is a skin problem solver well worth it's £7.99, a constant in my washbag when I'm travelling and a soother and curer of most ills.

What You Need to Know - Avene Cicalfate Cream

  • £7.50
  • 40ml
  • Available from Boots, 

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