Wednesday 18 April 2018

Blog Favourites

My readers are not commenters. Yes I'm talking about you. This is fine. I know you are there and frankly, I'm not a commenter either. But you do send messages and it is so nice to know what products I've recommended that you've bought and loved. I really appreciate this as I find the business of recommending things for people to spend their money on a bit worrying. I mean what if you hate it? Luckily that is yet to happen but I though it might be nice to give a mention to the products that I consistently get messages about. Those products that have made their way into readers routines and stayed there.


These are in no particular order except for the first one. When it comes to feedback the first one in this line-up is the one that I hear most about people loving and repurchasing. This isn't a competition but if it was then entry number 1 would be the winner - by far.

1. Origins Make a Difference Plus + 
Origins Make a Difference Plus MoisturiserI have loved this for so long I don't even know the science behind it. And by that I mean if I buy a product now I have a good look at the ingredients. I first bought this when I was about 21 and just bought stuff that looked good, smelled good or was recommended to me. This ticks all those boxes and blog readers seem to love it to. This version is great for dry and dehydrated skin but they also do versions for oily and normal skins You can read my full review here.

2. Oskia Renaissance Cleansing Gel
One of my more recent reviews but has been very well received even though I feel I was very late to the party on this one. I sometimes feel that there are so many recommended products now that I often don't believe the hype. Something now has to be around for a while before I give it a go. Read the full review here.

3. NYX Jumbo Eye Pencils 
These are incredibly good, really cheap and has an eye colour to suit everyone. They will transfer up the lid if you don't set them above the brow bone but they make doing eye make-up really easy and quick. My 5 year old does mine most mornings. He's a bit more pokey than I suggest you be though. Read the full review here. Watch the quick review here.

NYX Jumbo Eye Pencil4. Origins GinZing Tinted Moisturiser
The quick review for this is one of my most watched YouTube videos. This was huge when it came out last year and huge for good reason. Origins is not as popular a brand as some of the other new releases at the time (Urban Decay Naked Heat came out at a similar time) but this was a total came changer for those of us who want minimal coverage, good SPF and a natural, dewy finish. Sadly only suits a limited number of skin tones but I'm hoping they'll rectify that now that it had done so well. Read the full review here and watch the Quick Review here.

5. Louise Young Brushes
Have I mentioned how much I love these? I have? Well you are hearing it again. These are cruelty-free, made in the UK, beautiful to use and will last you a lifetime if you look after them right. At the time of writing there is 30% off so you should probably hop on over there and get yourself a bargain. Read my full review here.

6. Daniel Sandler Watercolour Blush 
Another that I mention a lot but that's because it deserves it. I usually recommend Rose Glow (and when I asked Instagram which products should be on this list Rose Glow was the colour that came up most often) but the beauty of this brand is that they offer sample sizes so you can order what colours you think will suit you in a mini size before making the final decision. I was sent this to try when it was released about a year ago and I still have some left (not much) after using it at least 4 days a week. Natural finish that blends seamlessly into foundation. Watch the Quick Review here.

7. Origins GinZing Eye Cream
Daniel Sandler watercolour blush in rose glowThough I'm suspicious that they've recently changed the formula this is another Origins product that I have been using. loving and recommending for years. I love to not wear foundation unless I'm going out or have a meeting but if you suffer from dark circles as I do then quite often it's not possible. This really gives them a big of a lift meaning that I can moisturise, apply this and a sweep of mascara and I'm good to go. You can watch the Quick Review here.

8. Deciem Hand Chemistry
Before Deciem skyrocketed, peaked and then seemingly started a rather drastic descent they were making this absolute belter of a hand cream. Sticky handcreams are the bain of the make-up artists life. We spend a lot of time washing and anti-bacing our hands and this can get painful. Most handcreams leave you with a clammy feeling but not this one. It sort of absorbs but sits but it's sticky. It's hard to describe but wonderful to use. Read the full review here.

9. Benefit Hello Flawless Foundation
I was given this at an event and wasn't that enthused to try it. Since Benefit stopped the You Rebel tinted moisturiser that was a dream I've been distrustful of their bases. This is actually great. Great coverage, great finish, long lasting. You can build it up or sheer it out and now a lot of you are using it (including my mother and sister!). I wish it were a couple of quid cheaper. You can read my full review here and watch the Quick Review here.

10. The Body Shop Camomile Cleansing Butter
Deciem Hand Chemistry Many of you will know that I was once in love with a gel cleanser from The Body Shop that the discontinued. Rude. However, this may just about replace it. Reasonably priced, long lasting and really excellent at removing everything this cleanser suits all skin types and now usually makes an appearance in friends bathrooms and washbags and when I point it out it's because they saw it on the blog. At the time of writing they are doing 30% off this online. Read my full review here and watch the Quick Review here.

Some links are affiliate links which means I will get a small commission if you click through and buy from them. There is no extra cost to you and if you are not comfortable with that then do feel free to open a separate window and google the product for yourself

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