Wednesday 24 January 2018

Urban Decay Troublemaker Mascara

I try to keep negative views to a minimum because what might not work for me may be great for someone else but I hate it when good brands do something mediocre. And the new Troublemaker mascara from Urban Decay is mediocre at best.

Troublemaker Mascara by Urban Decay

Regular readers know I was a reluctant convert to the Urban Decay Perversion mascara (which it turns out I reviewed nearly exactly a year ago). I frankly find the make-up business's desire to name products 'sexily' completely wrong and ridiculous - this is not Urban Decay specific, loads of other brands do it, NARS and Too Faced to name but two. I was quite keen to try the Troublemaker mascara despite it announcing itself 'sex proof' (why Urban Decay? Why?) but god is it a big fat disappointment.

Troublemaker Mascara WandI am not a fan of a plastic brush but it's by no means a deal breaker this one however, makes doing the inner lashes absolutely impossible. Don't be fooled by the picture that's just a pointy blob of mascara on the end. The formula itself may lengthen the lashes a bit but does nothing for volume and you need to do a lot of layers to get anywhere near a satisfactory finish. I also found the lack of volume at the root meant my pale skin was very obvious so I needed to use a liner. The formula was also quite clumpy and because the brush had a fat end it meant you couldn't use it to separate the lashes.

The texture is not great and can be flaky. I didn't find it hard to remove, nor did it drop down my face as some reviewers have mentioned. I do really like the packaging, for some reason as it's not really my thing, but if feels chunky and fun and it's easy to spot in my pile of make-up. I just really don't see the point in bringing out a mascara that is such an inferior product to one already in the line.

If you want to go for an Urban Decay mascara stick with Perversion.

What You Need to Know - Urban Decay Troublemaker mascara

I was given this product but the choice to feature it was my own and this is an honest review

Some links are affiliate links which means I will get a small commission if you click through and buy from them. There is no extra cost to you and if you are not comfortable with that then do feel free to open a separate window and google the product for yourself


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