Wednesday 13 December 2017

Skin Owl Maqui Berry Beauty Drops PM

One of my friends is a bit of a skincare obsessive, like me. And like me her skin doesn't like a lot of things but luckily for me our skins like different things so I get a lot of her rejects and one of them was this Maqui Berry beauty drops oil from Skin Owl.
Skin owl beauty drops

Now, I've said it before and I'm saying it again, it's quite rare for me to have an immediate wow from skincare but I've been feeling pretty wowed by this. I have to confess to not having really looked into Skin Owl before. I'd heard of the brand but with so much skincare available now it's hard to keep up especially when you buy 95% of the products yourself (fact). So I didn't know anything about the brand, I don't think much happens with oils so I just whacked this on one night when my skin felt like it needed a real hit of moisture - the weather has wreaked havoc on my dry skin. Woke up with skin like a baby.

I thought it was a one off so I used it again, this time taking a little bit more notice. It didn't make my face red like a lot of oils do at the moment and it is genuinely moisturising. The instructions say to use this instead of a serum or moisturiser and where I would usually whack a moisturiser over the top of most oil because I really need it at this time of year, I've found that this is enough on it's own.

My skin feels incredibly soft and hydrated and though I fell foul to a horrendous bug, I do actually think there is a visible improvement. Sensitivity has left quite a lot of redness under my freckles which seems to have beaten a retreat after just one week of using this. My skin just looks a bit brighter and healthier. This is all after two weeks. Whereas usually I have dull, dry skin that needs a bit of an acid exfoliate to get rid of rough patches I haven't used an acid toner the whole time I've been using this. Which has also made my sensitive skin happier.

The secret seems to be in the Maqui berry which is a strong antioxident and source of Vitamin C, calcium, potassium, and iron. Other ingredients are tangerine oil, Argan oil and vanilla essential oil - these help to decongest and brighten.

Now I, and a lot of other reviews it seems, don't like the smell of this, but frankly it fades really quickly, just hold your breath if you don't like it. Also if you want a 'green' product that doesn't use any synthetic fragrances then you are going to have to put up with some smells. The pay off for how great it is on the skin is worth it. The price is quite high but in these days where people seem to be putting way to much on their skin if you are going to go the opposite way and just have a good cleanser, nice acid exfoliator to use every now and again and a oil then this is probably totally do-able.

It's hard for me to recommend specifically for acne as I don't suffer with it. However, you can get a sample size and this was developed by someone suffering with acne to cure their acne, and it did. So maybe worth a try?

Skin Owl was created (like most of the genuinely great new skincare brands) but Annie who suffered with adult acne and needed to find a way to fix it. And so only bloody went and did. This review would be longer if I could stop myself watching their Our Story video. Is flying to LA too keen?

What You Need to Know - Skin Owl Maqui Berry Drops PM
  • £79
  • 60ml
  • Maqui berry, Baobab oil, tangerine oil
  • Green, Vegan, Cruelty Free, 
  • Available from Cult Beauty and Skin Owl

Some links are affiliate links which means I will get a small commission if you click through and buy from them. There is no extra cost to you and if you are not comfortable with that then do feel free to open a separate window and google the product for yourself

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