Wednesday 8 November 2017

MUA Pixel Perfect Multi-Blush

MUA Multi-Blush in Coral Spice MUA is one of those incredibly cheap high street/drugstore brands that you probably would never buy anything from because they are never kept clean by any shop. They have been around for ages but disappeared from view almost completely for years - there was one disgusting rotating stand in my local Superdrug that I used to get the odd thing from my I'd hazard a guess and say over 80% of the products have been opened and used or broken.

I nipped into the brand shiny new Superdrug a few weeks ago when I wanted to film a video using affordable, easy-to-find make-up and realised that I didn't have a blusher like that. Out of all the brands available this is the only one that looked appealing. I chose Coral Spice which looks quite alarming with it's dark almost-red colours and green dotted throughout and, unusually for me, I chose one of the darkest colours available - if you are pale and struggle to find a blush that suits you then these might be worth having a look at. If you are olive skinned and darker then you will need the darkest colour Cherry Charm and even then that might not show up on you.
MUA Pixel Perfect Multi-Blush Coral Spice
The reason Coral Spice works for me all revolves around the price, £3 for a decent size blusher. You can't expect much pigmentation for that price so the pay off on this isn't great - but the colour you do get from this is very pretty and would probably be too much if it were any more pigmented. That being said I doubt any of the paler ones would show up on me at all. And these pale ones have some bad reviews for just that. But I sometimes feel that in these days of make-up and product abundance we expect to much bang for our buck. If a £3 blush was the best in the business then it wouldn't stay at £3 for very long.

One word of warning - this seals over incredibly easily. Don't use anything but a powder only brush with this, any residual cream or liquid make-up will seal this badboy quicker than you can say MUA.

What You Need to Know - MUA Pixel Perfect Multi-Blush
  • £3
  • 4 colours available 
  • Cruelty free
  • Available from Superdrug, MUA

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