Wednesday 30 August 2017

Jao Brand LipJao

LipJao from Jao BrandA lip balm is a lip balm is a lip balm right? Wrong. LipJao from Jao brand is flat out the best lip balm I've used. The perfect mix of deeply moisturising but not too glossy. I love everything about it from the packaging - great for even the smallest handbag and I much prefer the roller as opposed to a twist up which can break the stick.

Shea butter, coconut oil and cocoa butter are the top ingredients which make this so moisturising but what really puts this in a league of it's own is the way it can blend out any lipstick or lipliner. Which may sound very niche but we all have those favourite lipsticks or liners that just don't last the day. Yes you can reapply but if you are anything like me you get to a stage where you just want to carry on stuffing your face/drinking the beer/smooching and don't want to reapply your lipstick. Lipjao blends everything together effortlessly so you can look... well effortless. I love make-up but having dinner with someone who reapplies their lipstick and looks in the mirror 800 times isn't fun.

Also a great one for boys who like lip balm - all the moisture, but kind of manly. I have one of these in my kitchen, at my desk and in my handbag.

What You Need to Know - Jao Brand LipJao
  • £8
  • 4.6g
  • Natural, non-toxic, no sulphates or parabans, mineral oils or silicone
  • Also from Jao Brand - Goe Oil
  • Available from Blue Bowl

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