Wednesday 14 June 2017

VO5 Plump It Up Dry Backcomb Spray

Dry Backcombing Spray by VO5One of my big disappointments with dry shampoo is it never seems to give my hair the oomph it gives other people. I was sent this a while ago and I have to say I just sort of put it to one side as I had just never really tried anything from VO5 that I liked. I just assumed it wouldn't really do anything. How wrong I was. I now use this at least once a week, often after using some dry shampoo on the roots (it's Klorane at the moment) first and then adding this to give volume.

The daughter of a religious backcomber I rarely remember that it is even a thing and when I do I go about it all half-heartedly. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I'm lazy. I want hair like Dolly but with minimal effort. This is the closest I've got to that. You don't need very much to give a real boost and it's really quick. I lift and spritz in the roots, leave it for a couple of seconds and then use my fingers to sort of push the roots are.

It also some how manages to give the hair texture but not in that horrible sticky way. If you are someone who likes to style your hair properly this would be great for that. And it's long lasting - even if it flattens a bit a bit of a boost with your fingers and back up it goes. I can't believe I've had this and ignored it for so long. It's great!

What You Need to Know - VO5 Plump It Up Dry Backcomb Spray
  • £3
  • 200ml
  • Part of the Plump it Up range with five other products
  • Available from Boots, and pretty much any drugstore/high street chemist

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