Wednesday 28 June 2017

NARS Sun Wash Diffusing Bronzer

It's rare for me to rush out and buy a new release because over the past 11 or so years of doing this I've had to learn some discipline. If I could I could quite happily spend hundreds of pounds on products within the next five minutes and still feel like I hadn't scratched the surface on my wish-list. I could bankrupt us on make-up and beauty.

But after reading a couple of good reviews for the new NARS Sun Washed Diffusing Bronzers and I wanted one. A bit weird as NARS is not one of my go-to brands (not deliberately I just feel like I'm so behind there I don't even know where to start ... I have a long wishlist) and I just don't really have a lot of bronzers for myself.

Then I realised that this, of course is exactly the reason. It is a genuinely legitimate purchase. I don't have a lot of bronzers, it's incredibly hard to find one that looks nice on me and not a bit over the top. I love the Luminous Bronze Light from the Ambient Light Edit palette but use it sparingly or look a fright. A good, wearable bronzer for those of use with pale skin who don't want to look super shiny is hard to find. And I think this is it.
Don't get me wrong - I was underwhelmed by this both in the shop and when it first arrived. Having gone to make The Purchase in Space NK I couldn't really notice that much difference when it was applied (maybe because I wasn't doing it myself so wasn't looking in the mirror at the time) and then they didn't have it in stock anyway. But I persevered and bought it online and it arrived and I thought that maybe I should have gone for a shade darker. But the whole point was that I didn't want it to look like a bronzer and too dark looks odd with my freckles.

Before and after
Before and after
However, the more I use it the more I really like it. If you are a fan of the finish from the Ambient lighting powders from Hourglass this is very similar. It's not overly shiny or too much like a highlight but gives a subtle healthy glow that works whether you are wearing foundation or using this straight on the skin. The colour I've been using, Seaside, is great for paler skins and I can assume the same thought has gone into the other three colours (one of which is a take on their famous Laguna). I'd say that if you are remotely any shade darker than me then Seaside is going to be too pale for you.

Not being a bronzer devotee £29 seems like a lot for me to spend. But then I don't really spend a lot of money on bronzers so this is my budget for the year - it's the only one I need and I'd actually like to get all four for my kit as they photograph beautifully. You get a good amount of product and as always the NARS packaging is simple but not cheap. Do I wish it was cheaper? Yes of course but it's not unreasonable considering just how much you can spend on make-up nowadays (*mum eye roll*)

Interestingly, and sadly, whilst I've been writing this NARS, one of the big brands who have always been cruelty-free have now announced that they will be selling in China when it is a legal requirement for make-up to tested on animals. Which is sad and has gone down very badly with fans of the brand. I sadly don't imagine it will do much damage to their sales, I wish it would because animal testing needs to stop, but if that is something that matters to you then TAKE NOTE!

You can see me use this in my 5 minutes heatwave makeup

What You Need to Know - NARS Sun Wash Diffusing Bronzer
Some links are affiliate links which means I will get a small commission if you click through and buy from them. There is no extra cost to you and if you are not comfortable with that then do feel free to open a separate window and google the product separately. 


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