Friday 7 April 2017

When Launches Go Right - Eco Tools 2017

As the beauty industry has taken off launches are now happening all the time. It's always lovely to be invited and most of the time I don't review or mention them because, well how interesting is it to hear about an event that you didn't attend?

But every now and then a launch will be really well organised and set-up and the one I went to on 30th March in London for Eco Tools was just that. The event itself and the products we were given to try inspired to do this vlog when I got home.

Sorry for the breathlessness and the dark lighting. So nice to feel like a brand is genuinely interested in you finding out as much as possible and wanting you to fall in love with their products. It worked - I'm totally inspired, enthused and have started testing them already. Reviews to follow.

Thanks so much to Eco Tools and 3 Monkeys | Zeno for the invitation and for the fab time.

If you haven't already then do subscribe to this channel, check out my blog and come and say hi on social media where I am @corinnaharrod

You can check out the full range of Eco Tools brushes here -

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