Friday 28 April 2017

Pregnancy update - Week 30, Baby 3

Non-make-up I know but thought may as well do a quick pregnancy update as it feels strange to not mention it at all. It turns into a bit of a rant about people talking about the babies gender and then I forgot to mention the anxiety that's been a bit of a nightmare this time round. I think I feel we have been so lucky with the boys that we're pushing it a bit this time round and it's been driving me a bit bonkers. My family have been absolute heroes putting up with this.

Anyway, I moan a lot but really this pregnancy has been fine so far because the baby has been fine so far. 10 weeks left seems a long and short time all at once.

Back to make-up next week but if you do have any questions then please feel free to either leave me a comment or send me an email. I'm not medically trained but I have had two before and I'm pretty unshockable so if there's something bothering you let me know!

If you haven't already then please subscribe to my channel, it is mostly make-up I promise.


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