Wednesday 26 April 2017

Klorane Dry Shampoo

Klorane Natural Tint Dry Shampoo
I was sent this to try ages ago, I've been very slack about reviewing it but it's been just another of those products that has slipped rather seamlessly into my routine. Klorane Tinted Dry Shampoo with oat milk has given me a bit of a revelation - I think I've been expecting too much from dry shampoos. When I use one I want it to make my hair look and feel more clean but I've also been wanting it to give volume but without a horrible texture - the only one I've found to do this is the Percy & Reed No Fuss Fabulous Dry Shampoo though the ooomph it gives doesn't last all day.

I've been using this Klorane Dry Shampoo when I've pushed back washing my hair for whatever reason (usually baby brain) and I want my hair to look, feel and smell clean. I wash my hair every other day and quite often I think it could go longer but I get a horrible itchy scalp (I think from oil). This dry shampoo stops that feeling, absorbs the oil, gives the roots a bit of volumey texture again and smells really lovely. If I then want extra volume I use VO5 Plump it Up which is specifically for adding volume to dry hair (review to follow soon). Together these work well and on it's own the Klorane Dry Shampoo does everything I want most of the time. It also comes with a 'natural tint' so brow to dark hair doesn't run the risk of the white residue left by some dry shampoos.

It really is the closest thing I've found to actually washing my hair. I spray it in the roots, leave it for a couple of minutes and then sort of massage it in and that's it. It leaves my hair feeling like hair - not overly texturised and OTT like Joan Cussak in Working Girl* - just like normal hair.

A few words on Klorane a brand so neglected on this blog but who's eye make-up reviewer was one of the reasons I started this blog. Back when the majority of eye make-up removers were crap and you could only get Bioderma in France, Klorane's Soothing Eye Make-up remover was one of the few that got all your eye make-up off and was suitable for sensitive eyes and skin. My mother, who had incredibly sensitive eyes at the time, introduced me to it and neither of us could understand why it wasn't more talked about. 'Aha! this is exactly the sort of thing that should go on my blog' I thought, and promptly never reviewed it. One of the less well known 'French Pharmacy' brands, Klorane focus on the use of plants and botanicals in their products. They focus on a few products and do them well.

As always with Klorane, the Dry Shampoo with Oat Milk has a lovely smell and lovely packaging - a very good buy for someone with an oily scalp or who wants a product that will genuinely freshen up your hair. Lovely to have the tinted option too. 

What You Need to Know - Klorane Dry Shampoo with Oat Milk
  • £8
  • 150ml
  • Normal and natural tint available
  • Available in the UK from Boots, Escentual
* Don't get me wrong - quite often I want to look like Joan Cussak in Working Girl. I'd say about 43% of the time... 

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