Wednesday 15 February 2017

Amelia Moss Oils

Amelia Moss Pure Rosehip Oil Confession time. I got sent these absolutely ages ago and, as with everything, they made my face turn red and I thought with my skin reacting as it was, it would be unfair to review them. However, I became so frustrated with how my skincare had deteriorated and the redness still not improving that I thought I was going to carry on using things that, on paper, should be helping.

Rosehip Oil is proven to reduce the appearance of redness, wrinkles and scarring and I've been using this in the evenings three or four times a week to massage my face and it has been lovely. I've used it before but only on my bumps when pregnant. My face is definitely smoother and I am less red after using it so hopefully my skin is getting used to it. I can see a noticable improvement in the way my skin looks - much less dull.

There are two sizes of Rosehip Oil available - 30ml for £20 and 60ml for £35. They are in dark dropper bottles so though light exposure won't be too bad the product will be exposed to oxygen when the bottle is opened. I'm not scientific enough to know the exact effect this will have on the oil. It is sustainably grown for Amelia Moss in Chile and cold-pressed ensuring high-quality.

Amelia Moss Pure Argan OilIt has definitely smoothed my skin and have paired my skincare back to the bare minimum for months it has been nice to know I'm using something with antioxidants again. It is easily absorbed so I pummel my face a bit with this, let it absorb and then after half an hour or so I apply my moisturiser.

I was also sent Argan oil which I have mostly been using on my hair (when damp) to condition but it's a fantastic moisturiser containing fatty acids and vitamin E. Available in 30ml (£12), 60ml (£20) and 120ml (£35). Again it's cold-pressed so nothing is lost by heating and it's sustainably sourced from Morocco. Another great one if you are in to face massage and this makes my hair really silky. I use it about once a week - I don't want to weigh my hair down too much but it's been really help keep it in good condition while I put off going to the hairdresser.

I've really enjoyed using these oils - they are reasonably priced and last a long time (they are also delivered in lovely packaging). I'm a big fan of small brands and ones that clearly focus on getting things right and gradually building their line - which is what Amelia Moss are doing with the recent addition of two clay masks which I'm really keen to try.

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