Thursday 8 December 2016

Tanya Burr 12 Days of Christmas Gift Set

I have never tried anything from the Tanya Burr make-up range because I feel I'm tooooooo old but I jumped at the chance to review this 12 Days of Christmas Set because it's such a lovely idea for teen girls as an alternative to chocolate. Why am I reviewing it now? Well it's still available and as it's 12 days you can still treat someone! I wish my goddaughter was a bit older so I could get one for her.

Tanya Burr Cosmetics Advent Calendar
At £25 it's a bit of a treat but it's a really sweet calendar and the fact that it's only 12 days means they are not getting a ton of make-up that they don't really need. The design is grown-up but there's a good amount of glitter on there too and I've heard great things about the Tanya Burr range of make-up. One thing is that the doors don't open that easily. I ended up tearing mine a lot. It didn't both me but it may bother some.

Now if you don't want to know what is in this then you should stop reading here. I hate spoilers but my reason for reviewing this is so you can see what you get for your money and if it's appropriate for who you are buying for.

So what's in it? 3 glittery nail varnishes, 2 lip glosses, 1 matte lip colour, 2 glitter pots, 2 glitter liners, 1 nail file and 1 mirror.

I have to say that I would wear all of these colours. It is a really well thought out calendar. All the products are full sizes and wearable colours with nice packaging. Although all the reviews have been good a few people have said they wished this was for the full 24 days but I think then you'd be looking at mini-sized products that were maybe not quite so useful. I'm looking forward to using all of these!

As I was reviewing this my four year old appeared so he had to try some of it out of course. All the products say to stop using if they cause irritation and I can confirm that neither me with my sensitivity nor my 4 year old with his baby skin had any bad reactions (he had a glitter star on his face and some lovely pink gloss... I'm to paint his toe nails tomorrow 'it's a promise' apparently).
Tanya Burr Cosmetics Calendar contents

Something that is worth mentioning is that the nail varnish smells pretty chemically. As it is essentially glitter suspended in stuff to set on your nails this doesn't bother me too much. I'm very picky about what I put on my nails and always use the Butter London Nail Foundation Base coat, even when doing Ned's toes, so I feel that hopefully minimal 'bad' stuff is going to get to the nails. We live in an age where the majority of brands are trying to improve what's in their products so it's actually rare to find something that smells like it's made in the 90s which is probably why I noticed it. The varnish itself takes a while to set but went on his toes 4 days ago and is chip free despite him hardly wearing socks so he can see his toes and jumping off stuff all the time (because he's the red power ranger, in case you were wondering).

I think this is a lovely calendar. You definitely get your money's worth and get a great mix of festive, useable products perfectly suited to a teen (nothing that is going to clog the skin or look horrendous). Available from lots of places including Feel Unique.

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