Wednesday 14 December 2016

Aurelia Cell Revitalise Night Moisturiser

Because my skin has been so sensitive since having Jim I tend to only buy stuff that I've been able to try out beforehand so I know if my skin is going to react. I'm happy to spend some money on skincare but not if it's going to make me an angry tomato or, maybe even worse, not do anything at all.

Aurelia Night CreamWhen the sensitivity first started I went to Space NK in Chiswick where they are fantastic at giving you (tiny) sample pots of products to take away and try. I can never understand places that don't do this. If I can't try, I usually won't buy, but on the back of trying it first I've bought loads from that Space NK, Sunday Riley Luna to name but one. I explained the sensitivity situation and took away four tiny pots to try three of which caused my skin to burn and the last one just disappeared into the skincare vortex that is my bathroom and only reappeared recently. It was the Aurelia Cell Revitalise Night Moisturiser.

I slapped it on mindlessly expecting the inevitable burn, I've always been a bit suspicious of night creams anyway, and was really pleasantly surprised. No reddness. No burning. Lovely smell and texture and the next day my skin looked hydrated and quite good compared it it's usually grey haggard horror.

It claims to 'promote' luminous, dewy and radiant glow and I genuinely noticed a difference after using this. Even after one night of using it. My skin felt plumper, softer and looked dewy and healthy. Every single use. 

It's been a long time since I've felt really compelled to review a product because it was genuinely fantastic, but this is. Non-greasy, quickly absorbed and soothing you could team this with the cell repair night oil from Aurelia and I'm sure this would be nighttime skincare heaven.

I am not in a financial position to spend £52 on a night cream at the moment but as soon as I am I will be spending it on this absolutely.

What You Need to Know - Aurelia Cell Revitalise Night Moisturiser
  • £52 
  • 60ml
  • Probiotic, free from colourants, parabans, mineral oils, silicones, sulphates 
  • Vegetarian
  • Cruelty Free
  • Available from 

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