Wednesday 29 June 2016

Art and Makeup Seminar

You may remember that last year when Art and Makeup came out I completely fell in love with not only the book but the creative force behind it, Lan Nguyen-Grealis. A genuine make-up maverick who has spent the last 14 years working her way up, completely self-taught and doing things her way. Any opportunity I have to see her work I take so I was thrilled to be invited to the Art & Makeup Seminar which was organised by Lan to showcase how she does some of her most iconic looks but she invited some incredible artists along to show their work too. It was really like an event planned for me - Daniel Sandler and Phyllis Cohen were two of the other artists and I love their work and the products that they create (and love how different they are). The third artist was Ruby Hammer who I have longed to see in action since discovering her as one half of Ruby & Milly the fantastic cosmetics line that is sadly no longer being made.

I've made a vlog about it - it's easier for me to explain by talking and you get to see a tiny bit of what we were able to see on the day and then a sneak peak at the amazing goody bag we were given, not including the haribo which I ate...


Tuesday 28 June 2016

June Giveaway Winner

The winner of the Louise Young brush, concealer trio and Philip Kingsley Elasticiser is Silvia Ferreira - huge congratulations, I will get your products out to you as soon as I can.

The next giveaway will go live on 1st July and for those of you who are into books I am doing weekly giveaways on my Instagram for the next couple of week so go and have a look there (I'm @corinnaharrod there and on Twitter)

Thanks to everyone who has taken part so far.

Friday 24 June 2016

How to use the Hourglass Ambient Lighting Edit Palette - Friday Video

I have a new light (thanks Mr H) and it's a bit bright here but hopefully you get the idea of how to use this palette - I'll hopefully have it sorted for the next video. Any questions then do leave me a comment and let me know if there's anything you're having trouble using and I'll do my best to help.

This is currently back in stock in Space NK and you can read my original review here


Wednesday 22 June 2016

Delph Sun Lotion SPF50

Reviewing this has been tricky for two reasons; firstly I'm no expert on the technicalities of suncream and secondly this bloody English summer which seems to have arrived early in May and then dwindled to humid grey.

Delph Sun Lotion SPF50Still on those hot days I dowsed myself in this Sunblock Lotion from Delph and that's what I'm basing this review on. To wear SPF under make-up with SPF in it or not? Sometimes doubling up can actually reduce the amount of protection you have and sometimes it doesn't. I tend to risk it when the make-up has a low SPF as I usually use Clarins Anti-Wrinkle SPF30 in the mornings. But when the sun is properly out I want something more on my face. I can see the damage to my skin from too much sunbathing when I was younger and now I want to keep the damage and wrinkles at bay.

I've been using the Delph SPF50 on my face under make-up and my exposed bits of body - meaning mostly my decolletage. I can confirm that these bits have not changed colour at all when I've remembered to use this - but have noticably browned/reddened in the sun when I've forgotten to apply it. Used under make-up I had no problem with application afterwards - no peeling or blending problems and I've even patted it very gently over the top of my make-up and then powdered when I've realised I've got no protection on my face on a rare sunny day.

Not greasy, waterproof and does the job at an incredibly reasonable price. 

What You Need to Know - Delph Sun Lotion SPF50
  • RRP £3.99
  • UV 4+
  • One of only six sunscreams on the drug tariff meaning it can be prescribed by GPs
  • Not tested on animals
  •  Available in the UK from here

Monday 20 June 2016

Charlotte Tilbury Shopping List (June 2016)

I'm always being asked for recommendations and taken make-up shopping with friends who find the whole thing a bit daunting. Even I do sometimes, you go in determined to get something and you get persuaded into something else which is sometimes a good thing, sometimes bad. Charlotte Tilbury is an incredibly popular new brand, and rightly so as most of the products I've tried are just fantastic. But that doesn't mean that they are all what you want and need.

Nothing beats having a consultation with a good professional who works with the brand as they will have the best knowledge of the products but then they'll also be wanting you to buy stuff. As a make-up artist not affiliated with any brand I'm going to tell you what products I would pick from the current Charlotte Tilbury range. This is as close as I can get to going into the shop with you.


Friday 17 June 2016

How to Use the NYX Wonder Stick - Friday Video

Definitely one of my most requested videos, how do you use this without drawing a billion lines all over your face and blending for hours. Well this is how...


Wednesday 15 June 2016

Benefit Hello Flawless

So my keenness to do a Quick Review of Hello Flawless by Benefit led me to believe that I had already reviewed it. I haven't and the more I use it or even when I just see it with all my other foundations the more I think I'm going to have to add it to the automatic re-buy list.

Benefit Hello Flawless Oxygen Wow FoundationI have mentioned that I have very mixed feelings about Benefit. I'm sure it's something to do with their packaging, now I'm over 30 maybe it feels a bit young for me, but some of their products are amazing and they have had some (sadlynolongerwithus) gems in the past: Talk to the Tan and the old Erase Paste (not the new, yuk). I think maybe I subconsciously feel like nothing that great can come in such youthful packaging. I know I'm wrong but that's what I think must be my problem with Benefit.

Anyway, anyway, anyway every time I wear this foundation everyone comments on how great my skin looks. My skin is good, as in it's smooth, but I do have redness and discolouration in parts and so although I don't need a full-on coverage I do need buildable coverage for my red patches. I also really like having a foundation with SPF25 in it, unlike the usual 15 which often just isn't enough and therefore I'd rather add an SPF under my foundation. It also has PA+++ the highest UVA protection you can get (SPF protects against UVB).


Monday 13 June 2016

In the Kit - Bobbi Brown Palettes

Most make-up artists will tell you that the weight of their kit is a big problem for them in terms of travel and physical health and this does affect their decision on what products they carry with them. Some slavishly decant as much as possible into palettes (more on that another time), some prefer to use products in their original format, some of us hop about somewhere in between but really, the Bobbi Brown palettes are a really great addition to any kit.

Bobbi Brown BBU Palette Concealers
I'm not a Bobbi Brown devotee though the more of her products I use the more of a fan I am, it's just one of those brands I was late getting too, but what is so nice the knowledge that I have every eventuality covered with good quality make-up and that is the beauty of having these palettes in your kit.

So lets start with the BBU palette, it was the first of the two to be on the market and used to only be available to pro's. I sort of wish it still was, it is an expensive purchase for any of us and if you are not a pro make-up artist you really don't need this. Especially when there are so many customisable palettes nowadays you can make your own base, contour, highlight and concealer palette so easily for a fraction of the price. Making non-pro artists spend money on products they don't need is something that makes me so angry.

Wednesday 8 June 2016

Chanel Coco Mademoiselle Velvet Body Oil

Some people really pull it out the bag when you have a baby and my friend A nailed it when Jim came along by giving me this and some delicious biscuits. Although I usually wear Coco rather than Coco Mademoiselle this is absolutely beautiful on the skin where maybe Coco would be a full on. And I love that if I apply this after the gym in the morning and then put on either Coco or Eau Dynamisante in the evening this will work with them rather than clashing.

Chanel Coco Mademoiselle Velvet Body OilI usually believe that body products designed around a fragrance don't really do what they are supposed to, even if they are from brands who usually deliver great skincare, but this is a genuinely good body oil. It is quickly absorbed, nourishing and comes in a proper spray bottle with a lid. No naffing about pouring it into your hands and back into the bottle.

If like me you have very dry skin then this is not enough on its own but as mentioned, I use it after the shower at the gym and it's just lovely and means that if I forget to put scent on I smell faintly of Coco Mademoiselle even by the end of the day.

What You Need to Know - Coco Mademoiselle Velvet Body Oil

Friday 3 June 2016

Bobbi Brown Eye Opening Mascara Quick Review - Friday Video

This weeks quick review is the new, love it or hate it mascara from Bobbi Brown...


Wednesday 1 June 2016

LMB Turns 10 - June Giveaway (CLOSED)

Regular readers will know I am no good at hair. But I know what I like the Philip Kinglsey's Elasticiser is a cult product that I buy over and over again. If you haven't tried it then you really should. And you could win it this month, it's one of three things I'm giving away. You can see my original review of Elasticiser here, I can still remember the feeling of amazement after first using it. This is basically all you need for a bit of hair tlc, give me this over a post-wash conditioning treatment any day.

You'll also know that I love, love, love Louise Young products so I'm so happy to be able to include the LY34 the Super Foundation brush. One of her best sellers and a real must for those who want a well blended, flawless finish, you can also use this for powder and blusher - it's made from synthetic fibres so you can use it with powder and cream products and it washes beautifully.

I'm also giving away one of the concealer trio's in Medium. I love the pinky middle tone on this, it's a wonder for covering dark circles, so I use that all year round and the other colours in the summer when I have a tan and will suit those with slightly darker skins. I love the slimline palette making it perfect for a handbag or make-up kit, the mirror is great and the brush perfect for pinpoint precision.

As always the winner will be picked from the entries who are subscribed to my YouTube channel. Please use the Rafflecopter box below this post and it should prompt you to tell me your YouTube username - or just tell just leave me a comment below to let me know your YouTube name so I know who to look out for!

 a Rafflecopter giveaway
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