Wednesday 25 May 2016

Cover FX Custom Infusion Drops

Cover FX Custom Infusion Drops Neroli for HydrationI have a confession to make. I have been using, and liking these for months, but wasn't going to review because they just feel like a gimicky product that I shouldn't like. But then I remembered why I started this blog in the first place so here's the review.

Years and years ago Benefit made Talk to the Tan which was a sort of weird instant tan thing that I used to add to my winter foundation to warm it up or to my moisturiser to make a tinted moisturiser. A little went a long way. When I went to re-buy it they no longer did it anymore and I could never understand why it hadn't taken off. In fact why were there not more products to help you change the foundations and moisturisers you already own? One of the complaints I hear most is people spending money on a foundation only to find it is the wrong colour or texture when they've used it themselves at home. Why are there not more things available to solve this problem? Well Cover FX have both sorted, (more on the Custom Cover drops later) I've been trying out the Hydration (Type F + Neroli) and Radiance (Type C + Lemongrass) Custom Infusion Drops for quite some time and having been pretty dismissive of them at first I now use them by choice, not just because I'm testing them out.
Cover FX Custom Infusion Drops Lemongrass for Radiance
These aren't going to be the fix-all problem solvers for everyone. In fact if you are not into make-up then these may not be for you at all but they definitely have a place in my personal make-up kit. I would love to try the calming one, I do get occasional flair ups even though I'm being incredibly careful and it would be interesting to see if the Type E + Chamomile drops would have any affect. The 'type' refers to the vitamin so the F in the Hydration drops is to nourish the skin and the C in the radiance is to brighten the skin and protect against free radicals. This might be an idea for those who want the radiance but want to skip on a serum in the morning (why would you do that though?)

So how have I been using them? Well, I have the Hourglass Illusion Hyaluronic Skin Tint and I don't know if it's just my dry skin or the way the product is on everyone but it just doesn't move around my face nightly when I'm applying it, annoying as it's not cheap. It is greatly improved with a few of the Hydrating drops. It doesn't make the foundation greasy or look any different, it just feels much nicer to apply to my dry skin. The Radiance drops are fantastic for anyone who wants to add a bit of glow to a more mat base, or indeed if you bought a foundation that just doesn't give you the glow you were expecting. It's not going to make you look like you've covered your face in highlighter but just gives a very natural healthy look.

All these drops can be added to foundation or skincare so will work even if you don't wear a base, that's just how I've been using mine. However if you use the Anti-Aging ones I would recommend only using these with your evening moisturiser as Vitamin A can make the skin sensitive to the sun. 

What You Need to Know - Cover FX Custom Infusion Drops
  • £40 or US$48
  • 15ml
  • 4 solutions available - Hydration, Calming, Anti-Aging and Radiance
  • The Anti-Aging contains Vitamin A so should actually only be used at night or with a high SPF
  • Even the calming may not be suitable for very sensitive skins so best to try first if this is you
  • Available in the UK from House of Fraser, Beauty Bay, Harrods Urban Retreat,
  • Available in the US from Sephora,

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