Wednesday 25 November 2015

NYX The Curve Liner

NYX The Curve black eye linerYet another great product from the one of my favourite affordable brands of the moment. Getting the right eyeliner for you can be a time consuming and frustrating experience. It all depends on the finish you want, what kind of applicator and product you find easiest to use and your budget. If you are a massive fan of liner it can get even more technical. I have favourite pencils, gel pencils, gel liner, felt tip liner, kohls and liquid liners. All of which I love and which I use for different occasions. Black eyeliner is one of the reasons I'm a make-up artist and make-up obsessive.

Originally I wasn't even going to try The Curve Liner - it just felt a bit gimicky. It arrived in a huge bag of goodies I was given to try in March at the UK relaunch of NYX.* But I gave it ago and although it took a little while to get used to it, it is now my go-to liner when I need something quick and reliable. Also the colour is properly black - which may sound obvious but some liners, and mascaras for that matter, are just not black enough.

The Curve Liner from NYX has slotted in to my liner wardrobe where I didn't know there was a gap and I've been using it weekly since March. It's actually somehow much easier to do a liner quickly with something chunky to hold on to and the felt tip end is a great length and firmness. If you suffer from wobbly hands then this could be your solution. And it's very long lasting. If like me you suffer from leaky eyes whenever the sun even vaguely appears you may too have suffered with flick damage. This will hold up longer than most non-waterproof liners.

There are two slight downsides to this liner, both of them not deal breakers in my opinion. It isn't the wettest liner I've used, by that I mean it dries out over time, it wont' last forever, but the more you use it the less likely it is to happen (or it will just run out like any other liner). The other problem is that sometimes the inner capsule (with the felt tip) gets stuck in the lid and comes away from the curve bit of the body. This isn't a problem, you can just click it back in, but its worth a mention.

I'm going to do a quick review of this as soon as possible as it's hard to explain but if you are desperate to get your liner right, are a fan of a felt-tip liner but haven't tried the right one then give this a go. I'll be re-buying this.

What You Need to Know - The Curve Liner
  • £12 or US$14.99
  • Jet black 
  • Available in the UK from Boots
  • Available in the US from NYX, Ulta
  • NYX is a cruelty free brand but is owned by L'Oreal which isn't

*I feel like I should mention here that I went to a NYX launch where we were given a HUGE bag of products to take home and try out and I love a lot of them and am not so in love with others. I'm reviewing what I love, not just systematically going through product by product just for the sake of being given them for free. That's not how I work. Nor is that the purpose of this blog. What is the point in recommending stuff to people that you know to be not very good?! I'll never understand it. Watch where you get your info people.

1 comment

  1. I've never heard of this eyeliner before I saw your post but I really liked your thoughts on it! When I need a new eyeliner I'll think about purchasing this one! :)


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