Wednesday 9 September 2015

Pixi Flawless Beauty Primer

Pixi by Petra Flawless Beauty PrimerI bought this with a desire to be blown away by it. I wasn't. BUT the more I use it the more I like it and that's saying something as primers are a hard thing to review. There are so many contributing factors to whether your make-up stays on or not, weather, the product you are using, how your skin is that day, the list goes on. How it makes your skin look and feel is a matter of personal preference.

Pixi Flawless Beauty Primer is not going to fill your wrinkles in the way that some primers do but it does smooth it and, as the name suggests, give it the most beautiful glow. A glow that, for some, will be too much and for others this alone will be enough (I am jealous of those in the latter category).

But not for me in my pregnant/post-baby grey, blotchy horror skin phase I need all the help I can get and this really is a lovely way to start of your make-up or, if you have great skin, you could just wear this as is. It's very moisturising so also great if you find a full-on foundation leaves you feeling a bit dried out. It's also one of the best primers for having a good vitamin content so it's genuinely nice to your skin. If you have oily skin this is probably not going to work for you. Yes it says its suitable for all skin types but I've found that oiler skins often don't look great at the end of the day with a glowing primer underneath.

What You Need to Know - Pixi Flawless Beauty Primer
  • £24/US$22
  • Good for dry, dehydrated and normal skin
  • Evens skin tone and adds glow
  • Contains Vitamins E, A and C
  • Available in the UK from Pixi, Beauty Bay, Look Fantatstic
  • Available in the US from Target

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