Wednesday 30 September 2015


Helmies nail protectorsI was dubious of Helmies. But I needed them. Between being in that new-baby state of self loathing for the state you're in and a the 3 year old saying 'I don't like those pink nails you have on Mummy [my natural nails] but the red ones back on' I needed a way to paint my nails and write the numerous emails/blog posts I had lined up or change a nappy if necessary. Mr Harrod has a habit of working late... quite a lot.

I was dubious because surely anything you put over your newly painted nails is going to take the shine off and anything that did stop you smudging your nails was going to prevent you from doing well most things remotely useful. Wrong. Helmies actually work. Yes you have to wait until your nails have been drying for 10-15 minutes before you put them on but then you really can do normal things, type, text (even on a smart phone as they have holes for your finger tips), cook. I haven't tried nappy changing in them and I'm sure it would take some getting used to but I think I could do it.

They come in a small cardboard box so are easy to store and don't take up very much room and are really easy to use. I'd even go so far as to say that if I was going for a manicure I may put these on afterwards and risk them thinking I'm completely insane - then you don't have to worry about getting your wallet out to pay, rummaging for your phone in the bottom of your bag or finding that you desperately, desperately need a pee even though you went just before you put the base coat on. And now you can get them for your toes too. If you are a regular nail painter then these are probably worth investing in.

What You Need to Know - Helmies
  • £7.99
  • Available in manicure (fingers) or pedicure (toes)
  • Available in the UK from

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