Wednesday 18 March 2015

Lush H'Suan Wen Hua Hair Moisturiser

Lush H'Suan Wen Hua Hair MoisturiserI have a love hate relationship with hair treatments and moisturisers. I need them for the poor fried ends of my hair and (usually) really like the end result but have the minutes and minutes and hours or cold drips down my neck or having to use a clean towel as a turban. So because I'm inherently lazy I usually let my hair into really bad condition before I can bring myself to use a conditioning treatment (except the Philip Kinglsey Elasticizer which I love).

I reluctantly purchased H'Suan Wen Hua from Lush, persuaded that it was what I needed by the charming man and I imagined another chilly sad morning spent be-turbaned and sad. I was totally wrong this stuff is amazing, not only for the effect it has on your hair which is lovely, but it sort of dries after you put it on so there are no drips! I actually put it on before I got to the gym (not a great look it has to be said) then off I go. It doesn't go horribly hard and crispy, just sort of dryer than a conditioning treatment usually does.

Lush H'Suan Wen Hau Hair Moisturiser OpenIf you are too busy to naff about with hair treatments then this is the one for you and if you are a lover of a bit of pampering then this is lovely when left on for ages, even overnight. It's mostly made up of natural ingredients and when I say that I mean really natural, slightly strange to read even if you are a regular user of Lush products. I would like to mention that this smells lovely and not at all like any of the things I'm about to list.

So this contains... fresh organic free-range eggs (to condition the hair, the high protein content strengthens and adds shine), fresh avocado's (to nourish and soften), fresh bananas (for softening and conditioning to add sleekness and control), rosemary oil (to add shine). So as you can see this product is geared towards adding shine and nourishment to the hair but it's not heavy so if, like me, you have fine hair, it's not going to weigh it down. And no I have no idea how to pronounce it, I've just been telling people to go into Lush and ask for the unpronounceable hair treatment.

What You Need to Know - H'Suan Wen Hua hair moisturiser
  • £9.75/US$20.95
  • 225g
  • Massage into dry hair and leave for 20 minutes
  • Contains free-range eggs, extra virgin olive oil, avocado, rosemary oil and bananas
  • Available in the UK from Lush
  • Available in the US from Lush
  • Lush is a cruelty free brand

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