Monday 19 January 2015

Some of my Favourite Make-up Artist Instagram Accounts

I am a big fan of Instagram, admittedly nowadays my pictures are mostly dog and baby-related (I always forget to take pictures when I'm doing make-up) but as a make-up artist there are some really beautiful and inspiring accounts to follow so I thought I'd list a few of my favourites. Some are more well known than others, all are incredible. I'm going to do five now and five next month...

  • Pat McGrath (@patmcgrathreal) - I may as well start of with one of the biggest names in make-up artistry. A woman everyone wants to work with and everyone who has worked with her, loves. She's self taught and has made-up the faces of anyone worth making-up - if you love glitter, liner and beautiful skin this is an account to follow. For me Pat McGrath is queen.
  • Andrew Gallimore (@andrewgallimakeup) - If McGrath is queen then Gallimore is king and the book of his work photographed by Rankin (Andrew Gallimore by Rankin) was the make-up book of the past couple of years. The first UK Ambassador for Dior he is the master of colour and texture and he doesn't limit himself to creative shoots, he has done the make-up for a long list of celebrities including Jessie J, Annie Lennox and Beth Ditto to name but three. 
  •  Kenneth Soh (@kennethsohmakeup) - combining two of my favourite things make-up and food (though not usually at the same time) Kenneth Soh is the creator of flawless, beautiful shoots by day whilst cooking mouth-watering feasts in his time off. The perfect blend of make-up shoots, products and life, I love seeing his latest work, what's inspiring him and what he's eating!
  • Laura Louise (@lauraloumakeup) - combining sass, humour and an awe-inspiring trainer collection this talented make-up artist is completely on the button with everything cool that's going on in the industry from latest products, trends and styles she creates gorgeous looks not only for her work but also on herself most days.
  • Lottie (@lotstar) - it's not surprising this US make-up artist has over 53 thousand followers, if I'm flicking through Instagram in a hurry and something makes me stop and go back to have another look nine times out of ten it'll be Lottie's work. An impressive list of print work and assisting credits she not only creates beautiful wearable looks but my god she's amazing with glitter!


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