Keeeeko? Kiiiiko? I don't know. But however you say it
Kiko is a cosmetics brand that seems to be increasingly popular among consumers, make-up artists and bloggers and not only is it reasonably easy to get hold if it's affordable too.

I have to admit that when I have gone into their Westfield store I have felt pretty uninspired but then it's hard to be inspired by much in Westfield when most of the time it's heaving with people and shops feel the need to play really loud music (I'm such a mum). But on a recent trip to Sicily it was the only make-up shop I could find in Taormina so in I went and came out with a whole bagful of stuff (obviously).
Like many make-up brands they seem to have their staples that they sell all year round and more seasonal products. I, rather foolishly, went all seasonal because I was a time limit before my husband had a melt-down and I do like what I've got but it's not blowing my tiny mind! It was a bit like something from Supermarket Sweep (yes you do remember it).

One thing I do really like is the
Colour Shock Long Lasting Cream Eyeshadow which comes in 10 colurs and I got in 104 Snappy Brass because it was so beautiful and I thought it would get the most use. It's £5.50 on their website at the moment which is an incredible price for any good quality eye product and this is good. It's really easy to apply, has a lovely texture and finish and one pot will probably last a long time. I've had it a couple of weeks now and it's still as smooth and moussey as when I first got it - it hasn't dried out at all. My only fault with it, and it's minor, is that it is
incredibly sparkley, much more than it looks like in the pot and more than I would usually choose to wear. I'm getting used to it though and it's lovely to quickly apply to change your make-up from day to night.
Kiko do some lovely bright colours in this so if you fancy getting on the blue/aqua liner trend that's big this summer but don't have a huge budget then this would be worth a try as it's incredibly versatile, liner or shadow I'm finding it hard to fault.
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