Friday 30 May 2014

Friday Video - May Favourites

Here are my May favourites including a few of the Kiko products I bought in Sicily. These are the ones that I like, the rest I really don't like so I'm going to review them separately. I'm sure it's just a matter of taste but would be interested to know what you think if you've tried any of their products.

I may not love all the Kiko products but I do love all the Daniel Sandler products I've tried (especially the Invisible Blotting Powder and the Blending Brush) so worth checking out his whole shop. All links are below and I would love it if you would subscribe to my channel on YouTube

Yves Rocher Sexy Pulp mascara in Black
Daniel Sandler Watercolour Blush
Kiko Rock Attraction Blush in Sound Coral
Kiko Colour Shock Long Lasting Eye Cream in Snappy Brass
Kiko Face Skin Glow
Inositol Vegetal (not the actual one I have but similar)


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