Some people get pregnant, pop the baby out and snap back to the way they were before. Some people do do that, but not me. I got my first eat on the tube at around 11 weeks and expanded from there. I felt sick all the time unless I was eating exactly what I wanted and what I wanted 90% of the time was pizza. I was huge. Then out he popped and every one promised that breast feeding would suck the fat out but no, it seemed to make me lay fat down. I only really started to shed weight (apart from about 3 stone of water retention within the first three weeks) after I stopped breast feeding and by that time my stomach had had it. It was crepy, and wibbly and wrinkly and just has an extra layer of fat that won't shift which I refer to as the Ned House.
I don't believe in miracle creams - if there were creams that could flatten your stomach and tone you up then we'd know about them. Instead there are lots of creams that say they are going to fix things and they do for some people, don't for others and make tiny changes for the majority. So I wasn't hoping for much when I tried
Nip + Fab's Tummy Fix even though I had heard great things about the brand and Maria Hatzistefanis who also created celebrity favourite Rodial. I used it at least once a day on my stomach and muffin tops for over a month and I could see a difference within two weeks.