Wednesday 25 September 2013

L'Oreal Gelmatic Liner - Product of the Week

L'Oreal Gelmatic LinerAt the moment I can't get enough of L'Oreal's Superliner Gelmatic liner which I kindly got sent as part of their Line of Beauty box. Really easy to apply and the ideal size pencil for getting a fine, thick or flicked line, easily blendable and stays put pretty much all day. OK so it doesn't really go on the waterline very easily or thickly but if you don't want that then this is by far the easiest gel liner I've used to date. It is all a screw pencil so no need to faff about with sharpeners - which, with gel liners, is a messy business believe me. For quick, precise baby proof, non-waterline application this is the one for me at the moment.

What you need to know - L'Oreal Gelmatic Liner


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