Tuesday 17 September 2013

Hampton Sun - SPF 70 for Kids

Hampton Sun for Kids
Slightly scary photo - still working out my new camera!
We have just been on a much needed holiday in France and, as Ned has inherited my fair skin,  I was really worried that he would get sunburn and so spent some time hunting around for suitable sun creams for children under 12 months. There's a lot to choose from and I took a couple with me but my favourite was definitely Hampton Sun's SPF 70 for Kids. It's not cheap at £33 (but you really can't put a price on your child's health) and the ease of the spray on application and the lovely smell made that rather steep price tag totally worthwhile.  In fact it was so easy to apply he was positively giggly about having it put on which made a nice change from the angry shrieking that usually ensues and it was so much quicker.

I reapplied this at least every 80 minutes when he was outside and we used it on nephew sometimes as well - there was still some left over and no evidence that he'd been in the sun at all (not a nappy tan line in sight). Highly recommended - I'm going to buy a bottle of this at the start of every summer.

What You Need to Know - Hampton Sun for Kids
  • £33 for 148ml 
  • SPF 70
  • Spray action, non-greasey formula
  • Twist close cap
  • Available in the UK from Space NK,

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