Tuesday 9 April 2013

TWO Magazine

When I was little I spent quite a lot of my time recording my own radio shows - usually featuring a lot of mindless drivel and ads for dog food - and making my own magazines - usually featuring mindless drivel and some bits about make-up. Now at the age of 7 or 8 my knowledge of make-up mostly revolved around lipstick being pink, mascara being black and nail varnish, again also pink. They weren't a great read but they were the start of my love for magazines and, never having been good or ambitious enough to actually get a job on a magazine's beauty desk the dream died slightly.

As I started to work in the make-up industry, and indeed before when I sat at a desk for eight hours a day doing absolutely nothing but looking at the Internet and day-dreaming of escape I longed for a make-up magazine. Not the pro kind that's always available at the IMATS and you can sign up for but is rather intimidating, but one that's not only covered the pro side of things but was accessible to everyone interested in make-up.

Finally there is such a magazine and not only is it all of the above but it launched just as I had the baby so I had something to do while breastfeeding in the middle of the night. And now I get to sub-edit it! Hurrah. A dream come true.

TWO Magazine is available online or as an app for your iPhone or iPad and will be available for android soon. Edited and created by Sam Chapman and Nicola Haste of Pixiwoo fame it features columns from Liz Martins, Neil Moodie, has regular skincare features and the beautiful photo shoots. If you are remotely into make-up it is really worth checking it out. The app is completely free and there's a new issue to read every month!

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