Monday 16 April 2012

MUA Mosaic Bronzer

I'm very weary of bronzers, especially ones with a lot of shimmer. I'm quite pale and even the tiniest bit of bronzer makes me look a completely different colour to the rest of me no matter how hard I try to blend it into my neck. I do use matte bronzers for shaping the face and when I am or have been on holiday I'll allow myself a bit of bronzer to bring out my tan. On my recent trip to South Africa, and in fact ever since I got back, I used MUA's Mosaic Bronzer in Natural Glow and have been loving it.

It is shiny but the four different tones are really blendable and give a really natural, slightly highlighted sunkissed look. I've been using it lightly on the cheeks, up to the temples, across the centre of the nose and chin and it's really worked in making me look healthy and post-holiday which is just what I need. I try to wear the highest factor available on my face and wear a hat as often as possible when on holiday so quite often I come home with a face quite a bit paler than the rest of me. This is a very good, amazingly cheap, healthy option to having a suntan on your face and because it's only £2.50 I don't really mind that it's started to break up... my fault for taking it absolutely everywhere with me I suppose! Will be definitely trying their mosaic blushers next xx

1 comment

  1. Thanks so much for this post, I purchased this bronzer, and I also used your picture on my blog -I hope you don't mind, I linked your blog and everything :) take care, girly girl


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