Monday 19 December 2011

Cetaphil Restoroderm

Cetaphil Restoroderm CleanserI really wasn't sure about these Cetaphil products when I first started using them. The name isn't very memorable and the packaging doesn't blow me away and the moisturiser was fine but with my incredibly dry skin on my legs during winter it takes a lot for me to recommend a body moisturiser that actually keeps my itching under control. Cetaphil Restoraderm Moisturiser really does reduce dryness and has made my eczema so much more bearable.

Using advanced ceramide and Filaggrin technology these Restoraderm products are specifically designed to help dry, eczema prone skin. Filaggrins are proteins normally found in the outermost layer of healthy skin that help hold it together, people who suffer from eczema are often missing filaggrin or it's not working properly so these products help rebuild this barrier and so far they've been working for me.

I've been applying in the morning and evening and have been itching much less and the red patches on my legs have started to go down. Behind my knees gets particularly bad at this time of year and I spend half my day itching them through my jeans - so far I've been resisting that urge and in fact haven't thought about it. It's suitable for toddlers and children and is non-greasy and easily absorbed.

There is a Body Wash to be used in conjunction with the Moisturiser and I'm going to start using this. If you suffer from itchy skin then I do recommend these products. I think quite often finding a product that stops the itching depends on you - sometimes E45 works and sometimes Dove Dry Skin cream works but nothing was helping this year. The Skin Restoring Moisturiser is £19.99 and available from Boots - not cheap but you get a 295ml pump bottle for that so it lasts quite a long time and frankly you can't put a price on the feeling of relief. I can't wait to start using the body wash (which is £15.99) xx

p.s I'd like to point out that by far and away the best thing for my eczema is going to the doctor and getting some nice prescription cream. It's the only thing that stops the itching properly but I never have time to go to the doctor at this time of year xx

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