Wednesday 23 November 2011

Collection 2000 Smokey Eye Palette

Collection Smokey Eye PaletteI just cannot stop using this new Smokey Eyes palette from Collection 2000! I like it so much I think I may well get myself another one just in case I use this one all up and they stop doing it!

Collection Smokey Eye Palette OpenI was early to meet a friend and went to get my sister some face cream from Boots and accidentally came out with this and the felt tip eye liner I raved about earlier. This palette is gorgeous and perfect for the Christmas party season or anyone wanting to try out smokey eyes as it is incredibly cheap at only £4.19. I love it so much I'm already planning a video using it which I hope to put up soon. Really versatile with colours that will suit everyone and instructions of how to use it on the back. And the packaging means it will last for ages. You can drop this and it doesn't break. I can't recommend this highly enough. A great present or stocking filler for a make-up minded friend. 

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