Friday 22 July 2011

Protect and Perfect Hand Cream

I try to avoid anti-aging products because I have 'no anti-aging' policy until I'm 30... then I'll probably start to slather them on. This, however only applies to my face, my hands are quite another matter. There's no point having a face like a child and hands like an old lady... look at Madonna, you can put lots of make-up on your face to make it look better but your hands are the real age tell.

I obsessively find liver spots (they are there) and try to keep my hands well moisturised and nicely manicured but I have naturally dry skin though and sometimes feel like giving up altogether and letting them be the out-doorsy, gardening hands I think they long to be. Anyway, I've been using No 7's Protect and Perfect Hand Cream and I think it really has been helping with the spots - I think they look younger so therefore it must be true. It's nice smelling, non greasy (after it's absorbed) and has a 4 out of 5 star rating on the Boots website so it's not just me who likes it. It's £10.50 which isn't cheap but if you are as paranoid as me it's definitely worth it.

What You Need to Know - Protect and Perfect Hand Cream
  • £10.50 for 75ml
  • SPF 15
  • Available from Boots

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