Thursday 17 March 2011

A Bit of Culture

If you are that way inclined or indeed, feel that you should be more that way inclined my sibling's work is in an exhibition opening this weekend at the Transition Gallery in Hackney. It is called Gilding the Lily and you should go because all the cool kids are doing it and it will make you a better person.

The Lesson is Fallout Shelter is Needed Everywhere by Jessica Holmes

No 7 Speed Dry Nail Varnish in Coral Kiss

No 7 Speed Dry Coral Kiss - not very corally
I'm researching a piece on coral nail varnish at the moment so this week I'm wearing No 7's Coral Kiss Speed Dry Nail varnish. It was incredibly easy to apply, relatively quick to dry (these quick dry nail varnishes are never as quick as I think they are going to be) and was very smooth once dry. However, I really don't think it's coral at all. Now I know my skin tone has a tendency to bring out the red in coral colours but there's nothing coral about this... if you want a really nice bright red then it's great. What is not great though is that having applied it on Sunday evening the first chips appeared by Tuesday lunchtime. Now I do type all the time so I'm pretty demanding on my nail polish but not only where there chips along the tops on my nails but also along by the cuticles. Not very good I think you'll agree. So great for easy application, bright colour and good results if you are going to a party that night - but for general use and coral colour this is a no xx

Tuesday 8 March 2011


Now I have to admit that I get very confused about shampoo's and conditioners. Are they all the same? They don't seem to be and they definitely do different things to my hair but I have sort of avoided ever reviewing them in case I get a load of comments telling me I'm an idiot. However, when I went to get my hair coloured recently I was told to try using Kerastase's Resistance shampoo and conditioner to build up the strength of my really damaged locks. Now Kerastase is not cheap and I was very happy using Elvive's damage control but I thought in for a penny in for a pound so got some and I've really noticed a difference.

Kerastase Resistance products are for chemically or naturally weak hair, hair losing vitality or fine fly-away hair - they do not moisturise which is what I think most women expect from their shampoo. You are not left feeling like you have silken locks BUT I feel like my hair is thicker and less damaged - so much so that I even returned to buy the Kerastase Paris Resistance Ciment Thermique a leave-in reconstructing milk that is heat activated so it really helps weakened and damaged hair that is blow dried or straightened.

The shampoo is the Kerastase Paris Bain De Force Shampoo which rebuilds hair internally, the conditioner is Kerastase Paris Resistance Ciment Anti-Usure Conditioner which gives the hair a protective layer on the outside. As I've mentioned before these aren't cheap - both the shampoo and conditioner are about £14 each but these are not products that you use forever, I've been told to use two rounds of these (as it were) and then move on to the Nutritive products which put moisture back into the hair. I will of course be sucked in and use these other products but I'm hoping that once I've used those for a bit I can return to less expensive treatments. Or maybe I won't, my sister uses Nutritve and says hers last for ages so it's worth it - her hair is amazing so that's a pretty good advertisement. xx

Wednesday 2 March 2011

Get Lippy

Beverly Knight for Get Lippy
To mark the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day on March 8th celebrated photographer Rankin and anti-poverty charity ActionAid have joined forces to highlight the inequalities faced by millions of women across the world. They asked six high-profile women to be photographed in support of women in developing countries who are speaking up to claim their rights and improve their lives - to Get Lippy for women living in poverty and oppression.

Joanna Lumley for Get Lippy
International Women's Day is the time for millions of women to celebrate the economic, political and social achievements we have made in the last 100 years. Joanna Lumley, one of the 6 women in the campaign said 'I have travelled in all kinds of countries so I know some of the terrible disadvantages women have been struggling under and continue to struggle under all across the world. I want them to know that we are going to help, we are there for you.'

You can have your say here

Here are some facts -

1. One in three women will experience violence at some point in their lives.

2. An estimated 5,000 women worldwide are murdered each year in what are referred to as ‘honour killings’.
Annie Mac for Get Lippy

3. At least three quarters of civilians killed in war are women and children.

4. In Afghanistan, 80 per cent of women experience domestic violence.

Kathy Burke for Get Lippy

5. More than 200,000 cases of rape have been documented in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.

6. Nearly half of all sexual assaults worldwide are against girls under 15.

7. Over two out of three people living in extreme poverty are women.

8. Women make up 70% - 80% of the world's poor, illiterate and refugee populations

9. Sexual and domestic violence persist, despite some major advances in legislation.

10. In many parts of the world women aren’t allowed to own property or keep money they earn.
Miranda Richardson for Get Lippy

11. More girls than boys are denied an education.

12. While we have some prominent women heads of state, men still have a monopoly on decision-making -- from village councils to national government and disaster response committees -- so policies tend to ignore women's needs.

So Get Lippy and have your say here xx
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