Thursday, 24 February 2011

Liz Earle Gush

Now if you read this blog at all then you'll know I'm a big fan of Liz Earle products but now I'm being wowed not only by the products (and the customer service) but also their website which has a gift finder on it which is just perfect if you can't think what to get for someone. You can choose the price and the type of person and they recommend a product - having struggled to think of what to get a friend who's going away for a month I was recommended the Flight Essentials kit which seems the perfect thing for a long flight and a great size to have in your bag for the whole of your trip. xx

Friday, 11 February 2011

Home Innovation

My Elizabeth Arden cheek colour gave up and fell to pieces a couple of weeks ago (a bit sooner than it should have if you ask me) and I was about to chuck it (I've never been able to keep powders that self-destruct, they stick around long enough to spread over everything and then I chuck them. Using them just makes me sad and disappointed) when I realised that I was eeking out the very last of my A Perfect World moisturiser and had more on order so I should make my very own cream blusher!

I've never even used cream blusher before (how very 2008 of me) but having tipped the dusty remnants of the blusher into the nearly empty pot and adding a bit more moisturiser (mixing it together using one of the hundreds of disposable chopsticks Joe insists on having) I had made my own! I actually really like it - I'm still coming to terms with how to apply it but i think the colour is nice and it feels simpler and more natural than a powder. Or maybe I'm just telling myself that!

This actually looks a bit gross but it's lovely really!

Thursday, 3 February 2011

Thread Vein part 1

I suppose the very fact that I have called this Part 1 means I've made up my mind but maybe there just won't be a Part 2. I have a thread vein. For about a year and a half it's mocked me every time I look in the mirror and actually makes me more guilty about smoking then people coughing in my presence ever did. Of course it may not be smoking - it could be caused by anything but I'm convinced it's smoking. Anyway I hate it and I want it gone. No amount of foundation seems to cover it and it makes my skin blotchy. People say they can't notice it but I suddenly realised... I don't care! I can see it and I'm sure at least 80% of them are being polite.

The thing is its expensive, and not exactly pain free and I'm scared. And I don't want to have a story in the Sun with a picture of me crying and saying 'I only went in to get a thread vein removed and they burnt my face off'. Thoughts? Advice? Horror stories? Dare I even dream - success stories? xx

p.s I would have posted a picture of it but I'm not brave enough
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