Thursday 23 December 2010


The wondrous Erica has gone on holiday so yesterday for my festive hair removal I had a different lady torturing me. I asked for my brows to be waxed and she asked if I'd tried threading which is what she recommends. I've only really seen it being done on ladies in shopping centres - seriously who wants to get anything like that done in a public place - so hadn't tried it and have been perfectly happy with the waxing results and threading looks really painful. The new lady said it wasn't painful and she'd try the threading on me and if it hurt she'd stop and she'd wax the rest. I'm British, of course I wasn't going to say if it hurt. It was excruciating. The results were nice and probably more natural but it was painful and it took longer and I had to hold down my eyelid which smudged my make up. Back to waxing for me. I am being wet? xx

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Necessary Treats

When I was in Boots buying some moisturiser for my friend who'd just had a baby I accidentally found myself in the lip balm aisle looking for something to keep in my car for those long cold journey's when you can't rummage around in the bottom of your bag. I'm not a huge fan of tinted lip balms as they are always slightly the wrong colour but I thought I'd try out Blistex Tint and Shine. I LOVE IT. Yes I did mean to shout it's that good. The colour is great, it doesn't dry your lips out which I find a lot of tinted balms do and it is just fabulous in every way. I actually long to go on car journeys just so I can use it. In fact I'm going to get some more to keep at my desk so I can have a little spruce up every now and again at work. It also tastes good which is an added bonus.

Tuesday 7 December 2010

New Blog

I've set up a new blog. Not that I am deserting this one but I wanted to have one for non-make-up things. So now I've got Blue Sky and Bunting too which is about cooking and books and things like that. You don't have to visit it but I thought I should mention it anyway xx

Monday 6 December 2010

I Want it All... And I Want it NOW

I'm just in the mood for some new nail varnish and have been looking on Butter London for some inspiration. Trouble is I just want them all. But I have narrowed it down to two... Rosie Lee and Pillar Box Red. Something glitzy and something classic. Still on the hunt for the illusive gold glitter varnish though. Where is it? xx

Friday 3 December 2010

Christmas Wish

Estee Lauder Idealist
Had a sudden realisation that the product I would most like for Christmas is the Estee Lauder Idealist Pore Minimizing Skin Refinisher. I know I've blogged about this before (ages ago when I could afford it) but Christmas really is a time for treats and I can never bring myself to pay that much money for non-essential face product any more. There I've said it - it's not essential but it is lovely and does work.

I've also decided that I'd like some more of my favourite moisturiser (joint favourite with Clarins Hydra Quench) Origins Make A Difference cream. It smells great and it is silky smooth and just yummy and actually I think it's the ultimate January cream. xx

Friday 19 November 2010

True Match?

I've finally used all my foundations up so I thought I'd try out some L'Oreal True Match liquid foundation on the advice of Miss-M-now-Mrs-W. As I've said before I find it really difficult to guess what colour I'm going to be in foundation so I went for Rose Vanilla partly because it looked right on the back of my hand, under the glare of the Sainsbury's lights and partly because... well that sounds like how I'd like my skin to look. Technical I know.

L'Oreal True Match liquid Foundation in Rose Vanilla
I think part of my problem with foundations is they always promise so much and never deliver and I have to say that True Match liquid foundation is no different. The only one I've seen put on and thought 'wow' was the Chantecaille Future Skin Foundation Miss-M-now-Mrs-W used for her wedding (it's amazing... it's expensive). I really would like to try some of that myself some day but until my finances are back on their feet I will stick with the ones nearer £10 than £50.

True Match also does a roll on foundation but I have to confess I am scared to try it (that's what low funds does to you). My hand wavered over it but landed on the trusty old liquid foundation instead. I really love the colour - I'm always told how pale I am and this adds a bit of warmth and yet still looks normal which is something I'm always worried about and which makes me usually err on the side of pale. Now that I'm confident in the colour I think I will try the roll-on foundation to see what all the fuss is about.

The foundation is easy to apply, build up and gives good coverage but it isn't mind blowing (I know I expect too much) but very good for an everyday foundation. I know I'm unusual in my wishes for make-up. I'm one of the few girls at work that wears make-up every day let alone the amount I wear so I really would like to have amazing looking skin everyday even if it is given a lot of help - many people have said to me 'well you wouldn't wear foundation everyday' I do... I think I always will. So I will keep looking for that perfect 'wow' one, and saving so I can try the Chantecaille, but for now L'Oreal's True Match is great for everyday and fantastically priced at around £7.99. That won't break the bank. xx

Thursday 21 October 2010

Cold Snap

Now I'm not a weather woman but I knew a while ago that we were expecting this cold snap. Not because I'm a genius but because the skin on my legs has been unbearably itchy and sore. I've been moisturising twice a day and (grossly) shaving as little as possible (we have a puppy... husband is having no chance to look at my legs) but it's still driving me mad. Most moisturisers I've used have stopped the itching for about 5 minutes and then it's back with a vengeance. I got desperate enough to search my cupboards which are full to bursting with different things I've bought on a whim and to my joy found a full bottle of Dove Intensive Body Lotion for extra dry skin and it's been working wonders.
It combines oil and cream so it's non-greasy, easily absorbed and hydrating. My skin had been feeling so tight and scaly and no feels soft and well, normal, hours after I've applied it. For me in winter this is unheard of. Even old favourites like Nivea Soft which I usually can't live without just weren't working. If you too are suffering then please try this. I'm a massive fan of This Works Dry Leg Oil too but a) it is oil so you really need to give it time to be absorbed - not ideal for using before work or bed b) it's much more expensive (around £30 for 120ml). This is a great, non-pricey fix to that horrible winter skin itch xx

Tuesday 5 October 2010


I think I would recommend getting a puppy to anyone contemplating children. I am exhausted. Little Mouse does not like being left alone at night and therefore howls the whole time. We have been getting 3-4 hours sleep since we got her. I got told I looked like a harrassed new mother when I came into work this morning. Luckily she is incredibly sweet. xx


Friday 17 September 2010

Belt Tightening

I've been feeling slightly uninspired of late as the recession really has hit our house and my usual product treats have all but dried up. I then realised that this blog was not solely set up for the purpose of reviewing things so I really have no excuse and should pull my finger out (as my mum would say).

The good thing about having to tighten our belts means that I am finally using all the bits of make-up and tubs of cream that I've had for ages, used twice and then forgotten about having moved on to the next thing. So, poverty has driven me to fall in love with some things all over again and experiment more with how I use them. I realise that maybe I'd got stuck in a make-up rut and I really should be keeping my hand in with different trends.

One product I'm now using most days is Bourjois Suivez mon Regard eye shadow in Illuminateur. I had a massive love in with these years ago and then, as usual, got distracted by something else and never really used them again. Illuminateur is a lovely whitey, silver colour so really good for subtle everyday use or as a base for smokey eyes. It goes with everything so it's really useful if you're trying something a bit daring with other colours but want a safe base. I have this in brown, pink and blueish white too so I'm definitely going to start using those colours again too.

I've also unearthed my not-so-old Laura Mercier bronzer which is great for building up a bit of colour on your face and is easily adaptable depending on what time of year it is. And I'm trying to keep my obsessive mascara buying under control by using the many I already have. This may sound normal but I have at least ten that I've used a bit of and then just got distracted away from by a newer one that I 'must try'. I'm finishing off my Max Factor Masterpiece Max which is one of my top three favourite mascara's, and I've unearthed a L'Oreal Extra Volume Collagene which looks new and I think I used once and then thought it was probably one of those ones that was better having been left open for a couple of months. It's not bad! Not one of the best and you do need an eyelash comb to get some of the clumps out. I'm quite enjoying these trips down memory lane xx

Monday 6 September 2010

A Little Distraction

I know I'm forever making excuses for my massive gaps in posting but I think you'll see that this is a pretty good one. This is Mouse, she's been my little distraction for the past few weeks, not because she's actually with us yet (she's only 5 weeks old) but because I've been like an expectant mother fretting and too excited to sleep. She arrives on 29th September and I just can't wait but before then I will to get a grip and do a proper post soon! xx

Thursday 12 August 2010

Laura Mercier - Secret Camoflage (Make Up 4 - Top 10 for 2010)

Benefit Erase PasteFor the last year I've been using Benefit's Erase Paste to cover up the dark circles under my eyes. Although a lot of people I've spoken to seem to think otherwise, I really like it, it's easy to apply and does the job and seems to stay on pretty well. However, I kept hearing about the wonders of Laura Mercier's Secret Camouflage and eventually splurged out and got it.

It's ok. Only ok. Maybe I'm not using quite the right brush (although I am using a concealer brush... just not a Laura Mercier one) but it just seems to be very drying and hard to apply. It seems like a lot of hard work for something that doesn't give quite the coverage of other products I've tried. I do think that maybe it looks slightly more natural maybe than the Erase Paste - I mean you are supposed to have a contrast in colour under the eyes. But the coverage near the inner corner gets blotchy and it has really dried out the sensitive skin here.


Sunday 25 July 2010

Space NK

My very good friend from university, Miss M, is getting married in October and yesterday we went to Space NK for her to get a make over to try out different products. When I got married I went to Laura Mercier in John Lewis purely because the girl there had beautifully done make-up which I always think is a great advertisement. The great thing about Space NK is that they stock different brands so I feel that you are more likely to get shown the best of all of them rather than being told that one particular brand is the one to have. The main reason to go for a make over I think is to properly try out products that you just wouldn't normally get to try.

Chantecaille Future Skin Foundation
Miss M, like me is a big fan of black eyeliner and flicks at the side of the eye but, unlike me, she rarely wears foundation, blusher or much on her skin apart from the odd bit of concealer. As she says getting the right look for the skin is the most important thing for big events and photographs. If you wear eye make-up everyday then you basically know what looks good on you but getting the right products for your face can be a minefield.

The recommended foundation (which Miss M, after long deliberation at its £52 price tag, did end up purchasing) was Chantecaille Future Skin foundation in Porcelain. It is a lot of money but comes with built in primer which is a big bonus for events when you want your make-up to stay put and look fresh without needing touch ups. You can pay £25 or more for a separate primer so I suppose you could see that as contributing to the price for this. I personally like my foundation to give me some colour - this is because I have pale skin but a lot of freckles so a darker foundation works well to make my skin look more even. Miss M prefers a lighter look which works really well on her skin and this (applied with a brush) looked fantastic. I was taking test pictures and you could really see the difference. It's an oil-free gel foundation so gives a lovely light-reflecting dewy look without having a greasy finish on the skin.

Nars Multiple
To stop the shine in photographs though we used so Laura Mercier translucent pressed powder on the t-zone, chin and undereyes just to give a more matt finish - also purchased by Miss M. Nars Smudge Proof Eye Shadow base was applied as a colourless primer to the eyelids - another great trick for keeping make-up where it should be and looking fresh. And light gold/brown eye shadow applied which was very nice although as I said earlier we were keen to see the products you can't really try out unless you are having a make over. Although she's usually a fan of black eyeliner we decided brown would be softer and can be smudged to give a more smokey effect if needed. On the top under the lashes we used Laura Mericer eye liner in brown which you apply using a wet square topped brush. This gives great definition without putting anything on the top of the eyelid. It looks tricky to apply but is actually really easy and worth the effort.
Chantecaille Faux Cils Mascara

For me there were two other stand out products. The Nars Multiple used as blusher (as the name implies it can be used pretty much anywhere) so easy to apply and such a gentle colour that it's possibly the most natural blusher I've seen!! And the Chantecaille Faux Cils mascara which smells of rosewater and gives thick, long lashes. Both of these were resisted by Miss M (and me) at the time but about an hour later she had planned to make a return trip on pay day to get these. The mascara is a whopping £31 but it's the next best thing to wearing false lashes - a real wow factor mascara. Both of these are now on my wish list! As is the Laura Mercier smudge brush which they didn't have in stock. Great for smokey eyes and that 'I-always-look-this-fantastic-when-I've-just-got-out-of-bed look'.

It was really exciting to be able to try out these products which I'd often picked up in shops but hadn't wanted to fork out for unseen. I really recommend getting a make over if you want to try before you buy. Yes it's slightly embarrassing sitting somewhere while someone paints your face but it's worth it and if you take a friend it's definitely not so bad!! xx

Monday 28 June 2010

Collection 2000 Lasting Perfection Foundation

Collection 2000 has been around for a while but I have to admit I've never really used any of their products - I remember my sister having a very nice lip gloss by them that I was envious of and well... that's about it. I decided to try out their Lasting Perfection Foundation which was maybe a bit of a harsh introduction. Having freckles I find it really difficult to find a foundation that gives a good coverage and doesn't make me look an odd colour. I end up spending quite a lot of my make-up budget trying out different ones and so far have been pleased with a lot but not found the perfect one. Well Collection 2000 isn't perfect but at £5.99 it's really impressive.

One of the reasons I wanted to try it out was its SPF20 which makes it perfect as a summer foundation - you never know when the sun's going to peek it's head out. The colour I chose is biscuit and I actually think this would suit most people with a fair to medium skin colour. You do have to make sure that there aren't any visible streaks (I switch the light on a have a good old stare in the mirror) but it's so easy to apply that you can just rub any problem bits and they'll smooth away. I found it gave a really good even covering, lasted well, covered redness and blended well under the jaw line. Great for those feeling the pinch this summer or if you want something cheap to take on holiday xx

Monday 14 June 2010

MAC Iridescent Powder (Make up 3 - Top 10 for 2010)

MAC Iridescent PowderRight now please correct me if I'm wrong in my review of this but what's the point? I spent £17 on a product that not only doesn't come with anything to apply it with but also seems to be absolutely useless unless you just want an uber sparkly face and sparkly hands and sparkly husband and sparkly friends... I want my £17 back please. Can't remember this much disappointment in one product which is sad because their pressed powder is lovely.

2015 update - I love this now. Yes I only use it at Christmas and when I was to be super-sparkley... but I love it. Sorry MAC - objection retracted.

Friday 4 June 2010

Mac Fix+ (Product 3 - Top 10 for 2010)

In May I tried out Mac Fix+ and I really liked it. It really does seem to keep my make-up on during the day and is a refreshing spritz if you are about to go out without reapplying your make-up in the evening. It also works well as a primer before applying make-up if you don't want to use a cream primer or want something that is going to do two jobs for the price of one. I love spritzing this on tired make-up or make-up that's been matted out with powder to bring life back into it.

MAC FIx+The worst thing about this is the spray mechanism. Although I like the packaging and on principle the way the spray works (you twist the top slightly in order to get the downwards action) you really don't get an even covering as you do with a more traditional spray. The best thing about this is the smell - it smells fantastic. First thing in the morning after the night before this will really perk you up and refresh you.

I really recommend this to anyone who wants a little help keeping their make-up during the day or wants something at their desk to keep their face refreshed during the day or wants to reapply their make-up in the evening. It's £11 and you only need a small amount so this is a good investment.


Friday 14 May 2010

Lancome (Make Up 2 - Top 10 for 2010)

Now I have to confess I've been a little naughty. In my original list I said I was going to try out Bobbi Brown Lip Colour in Beige... well I'm not. I changed my mind I fell in love with another lip colour and I thought I should review that instead.

Lancome L'Absolu Rouge LipstickCoral is supposed to be this seasons lip colour - I've been wearing it on my toes for ages but couldn't imagine it looking very good on my lips but after a lot of testing (I know you aren't supposed to actually try them but how can you tell if you don't...) I settled on Lancome's L'Asolu Rouge Advanced Replenishing and Reshaping Lipcolour in Orange Sacree. I LOVE IT. Ok so it tastes so good that I've chewed most of it off before I get to work and I did immediately had to steal my mums lip liner so it didn't make me look lipless (Cover Girl Lip Liner in Hazel if you want to know) but the colour is just so summery and fantastic I don't mind.

The only problem with this lipstick was the price - it's £18 which for me is a lot to spend on a lipstick. I don't know why... maybe I'm behind the times. I have to say that initially I did have buyer's remorse. £18 can get you so many other things that you might need but now you'd have trouble separating me from this new favourite. This is a real treat for yourself so go in and get it guilt free... i'm sure you've done something to deserve it xx

Thursday 6 May 2010

Liz Earle Instant Boost Skin Tonic - (Product 2 - Top 10 for 2010)

Liz Earle Instant Boost Skin TonicI know I reviewed a Liz Earle product last month but as they are supposed to be used together I thought it made sense to try out this Instant Boost Skin Tonic immediately after. I was really blown away by the Cleanse and Polish Hot Cloth Cleanser and although my skin feels a lot smoother since using the Instant Boost Skin Tonic I couldn't really see any difference - however, I have been told by a couple of people how great my skin's been looking so it obviously is working!

At first I thought it was a bit drying but actually it's really not and although I always moisturise after using skin tonics I've been using a really small amount just to give a little extra moisture and I'm really impressed with how this has helped my skin look clear and smooth (and it gave me a great excuse to try out the Skin Repair Moisturiser which is great - a tiny amount makes a big difference). The Instant Boost Skin Tonic is so refreshing and contains Vitamin E (which is a great antioxidant and a must for those of you in cities), cucumber and Aloe Vera which soothe and soften the skin and Glycerin which draws water from the atmosphere to the skin. I'm so impressed with all the Liz Earle products that I've tried that I really recommend that you get the Essentials Try Me Kit. It has everything in it that you need for only £21.75 so its also great for presents!

Wednesday 21 April 2010

Bumble and Bumble Brilliant Brilliantine

I have gone back to being blonde - mostly because my husband seems to prefer me that way and partly because I feel more me when I'm blonde although frankly I'm now slightly freaked out by it. What it does mean is that my lovely locks are now dry and crying for help so I've spent most of my salary this month on buying various serums and potions to see what works! I've gone for John Freida Frizz-Ease Serum which everyone seems to recommend, Philip Kingsley Elasticizer Extreme which I love, Pantene Pro V Heat Protection Cream and Bumble & Bumble Brilliantine.

Bumble and Bumble BrilliantineI've used the Philip Kingsley Elasticizer before and it is great for a longer conditioning treatment but I just don't have the time to use it every time I was my hair. The Pantene Heat Protection Cream I've used on and off for years and really helps smooth your hair so, because bleach damages your hair enough without the added worry of heat damage, I've started using this again with a vengeance. You just rub it into wet hair and you can feel the difference. The two new products I've been using are John Freida Frizz-Ease Serum which I think is relatively new - it definitely makes a difference but i still feel that my hair isn't quite as smooth and healthy looking as it is when I come out of the hairdressers. Part of me thinks that this in fact may be due to my hair dryer being a problem - there are no specific heat settings on it and I'd much before to use medium level temperature rather than hot all the time.
The Bumble & Bumble Brilliantine is my favourite new find though. Although its ideal for hair that's just been cut I've been using it when I want to have that extra styled look and I don't know how it works but it really makes a difference. It makes your hair look choppy, you can see every cut end and sometimes that's just what you need. I can't recommend it highly enough - it's not cheap for the amount you get but you only need to use a tiny amount so it lasts.

These products have made a huge improvement on how my hair looks but I definitely feel that there is something out there I'm missing so if you have any recommendations I'm all ears xx

Tuesday 6 April 2010

Barry M Fine Glitter Dust (Make-up 1 - Top 10 for 2010)

I'm a little bit like a magpie about shiny things so doing glittery eyes is something I've always wanted to try but have frankly thought were a bit too much a pain to do. But after seeing Barry M's Fine Glitter Dust in a magazine I just had to give it a try. I'm still not sure how you apply this without looking like a childrens party just happened on your face but it actually stuck to my eyelids better than I thought it would and obviously if you are using this you can do the eyes first so you scrub any flyaway glitter off your face!

I had some silvery grey eyeshadow on underneath and then dabbed the Fine Glitter Dust in Silver on over the top. It looked really good and obvioulsy you can have as little or as much as you want and it comes in loads of different colours (I went a little crazy and bought loads). They are incredibly cheap as well so great fun as presents.

Wednesday 31 March 2010

Liz Earle Cleanse and Polish Hot Cloth Cleanser (Product 1 - Top 10 for 2010)

I've always wanted to try out Liz Earle products - it's a brand I've heard a lot about and was actually one of the reasons I thought it would be great to finally try out all these products that I've had my eye on for years but never got round to using. So it's fitting really that the first of my Top 10 for 2010 is a Liz Earle product - Cleanse and Polish Hot Cloth Cleanser.

First things first I wanted to know more about the brand itself. With a combined fascination for botanicals and natural remedies and unparalleled knowledge of beauty, natural health and well-being it would, I think, be difficult to find someone more qualified to be setting up a skincare range than Liz Earle. With over 30 books published and her own TV series under her belt she really knows what she's talking about and she has an MBE to prove it.

Liz Earle Cleanse & Polish Hot Cloth CleanserIt's incredibly difficult testing out products like cleansers and moisturisers as whatever other products you are using will no doubt have an affect on the results. This was easier than most though as it sort manages to stand by itself. I have been removing the majority of my eye make-up with Vaseline and eye make-up remover on cotton wool before using this as instructed and using my usual moisturiser afterwards (Origins - A Perfect World).

Right so to the product itself. I'll admit I wasn't convinced at first - the cleanser itself is lovely and thick (I hate it when you get frothy non-events that are supposed to change your skin!) and the muslin cloths provided are just great. I suppose I was expecting an overnight miracle (and the fact that I've become obsessed with this thread vein on my face which is now all I can see doesn't help). However, after a couple of weeks of using this I am a real convert. This is supposed to be part of a three step routine but its actually fantastic on its own.

You smooth the cleanser over your dry face and neck and polish it off with the muslin cloth and hand warm water. So easy to use and it is the first product I can remember that seems to fully remove my make-up. Everything comes off, my skin is smooth afterwards and looks healthier. It actually does. I'm really impressed and although I have been moisturising afterwards for those of you without dry skin I doubt you'd even need to bother (not that I'd recommend that - I'm a big fan of moisturising).

So how does it work? Well it contains known skin soother cocoa butter, skin-brightening eucalyptus, and rosemary to stimulate circulation not only is this great for your skin but the essential oils and aromatic herbs also relax and lift your spirits so it's a real pampering experience. This particular Liz Earle product has got a huge following among make-up artists, supermodels and us normal people. It is sooo easy to use and really makes a difference - a great start to the years testing. For a 100ml pump with two pure double muslin cloths (the perfect starter pack I think) it's £12.75. Completely reasonable and if you love it you can get the 100ml pump on it's own for £11.25 available here xx

Wednesday 17 March 2010

The List

Right here it is - after a lot of thinking I've come up with the definitive 10 make up and 10 beauty products I want to try out in 2010. There's going to be two a month (one of each) - so, in no particular order...

1. Mac - Irridescent loose powder in Silver Dusk
2. Mac - White Frost eyeshadow
3. Mac - Studio Sculpt SPF15 Foundation
4. Illamaqua Birthday Lashes
5. Bobbi Brown - Lip colour in Beige
6. Giorgio Armani - Face Fabric Second Skin Nude Makeup
7. Barry M - Glitter Dust in Silver
8. Illamasqua - Liquid Metal Eyeliner
9. Laura Mercier - Secret Camoflague
10. New ID - I-Shadow in Aspen

1. Aveda - Pure Abundance Hair Potion
2. Elemis - Pro-radiance Cream Cleanser
3. Mac - Studio Moisture Fix
4. Jemma Kidd - Dewy Glow All over Radiance Cream
5. Shu Uemura - Brightening and Cleansing Oil
6. Liz Earle - Cleanse and Polish Hot Cloth Cleanser
7. Liz Earle - Instant Boost Skin Tonic
8. Leighton Denny - Gold Dust Nail Varnish
9. Origins - Brighter by Nature Skin Tone Correcting Serum
10. L'Occitane - Brightening and Renewing Serum

I'm going to get trying - results soon xx

Friday 26 February 2010

My Top 10's for 2010

I spend quite a lot of my time reading magazines, papers and blogs and making lists of products I want to try. I then lose these lists about the house and they turn up months later and then I lose them again... So I decided that this year I'm going to choose ten beauty products and ten make-up products to try out this year - one of each a month starting from March. The first one is Barry M Fine Glitter Dust - voted top eye colour by various magazines - which has just arrived. I've wanted to try out some glitter on my eyes for some time now and then realised after ordering that I'm going to need some sort of party or something to be able to carry off the glitter look. Either that or my next trip to Tesco's is going to be uber-glamorous.

The full list will be up soon so let me know if you have any suggestions or anything you've been wanting to try out and I'll add it to the lists! xx

Friday 12 February 2010

Global Dissapointment

L'Oreal Telescopic Explosion MascaraIt must be that I'm growing up but I can definitely say that I've found a product that I don't actively dislike but I'm just dissapointed in. I love mascaras - I'm always desperate to help my little stubby lashes out in any way I can (my sister got the lashes in our family - people ask her if she's wearing false ones sometimes. Not fair). When I found out about the innovative new L'Oreal Telescopic Explosion mascara I thought I had to try it. I'm always torn as to whether I like the big brushes that you get with Diorshow and Benefit's Bad Gal Lash (thinking about them I do love them) or the longer, thinner, more precise brushes of Max Factor's Masterpiece or Maybelline's Define-a- Lash (ooo they do get every lash!) so I thought a completely new type of brush might be the perfect happy medium.
Benefit Bad Gal Lash Mascara
I have yet to find a liquid eyeliner that I love more than L'Oreal's SuperLiner so that made me think that maybe their mascara would be the perfect thing to go with it. I was wrong. Oh so wrong...

The Product - L'Oreal's Telescopic Explosion debuts the new globe brush which is exactly as it sounds a round brush designed to be able to get to even the shortest lashes at the corners and useable from any angle.

Maybelline's Define-A-Lash MascaraThe Problem - I'll admit that being able to get a good angle with a mascara brush is something that is important - I have a permanent crick in the back of my neck from titling it back all the time - and getting those corner lashes is tricky and sometimes means you spend quite a lot of time wiping a big black blob from the side of your nose. However, I would say don't even attempt using this mascara unless you have a good eyelash comb to hand. The brush is small enough that you have to literally do a couple of eyelashes at the same time which means you go over some a couple of times and this leads to serious clumping. It takes about three times as long to do my mascara in the morning with this (I'm not exaggerating). Give me a normal brush anyday.

Now this may turn out to be one of those mascaras that is perfect once it's been open and unused after three months but frankly I don't see why I should spend £7.99 and then have to wait especially when I've just named four great mascaras above off the top of my head! I'm going away this weekend and having already packed my make-up I've left the globe at home and sneaked in my Define-a-Lash instead. xx

Thursday 21 January 2010

Maybelline Solid Foundations

I have to say I've gone a bit foundation crazy in 2010. In fact I've gone a bit Maybelline foundation crazy. I've been using their Dream Satin Liquid for the last six or so months - it was more affordable than the Laura Mercier foundation I'd got for my wedding and I'd heard a lot of good things about their foundations and bases in general. I really liked it - it was the right colour, stayed on and gave a good even coverage. So when I ran out I thought I'd try their Dream Matte Mousse which came highly recommended by Mumma B. However, while I was in the shop choosing the colour I discovered their new Dream Creamy Foundation and couldn't decide whether to get the mousse I've wanted to try for ages of the new creamy foundation.

Using this blog as an excuse I bought both and thought I'd use them on alternate days make an informed decision about which one I preferred and then review them. That was a couple of weeks ago now and I just can't decide which I prefer. What I love about the Dream Matte Mousse is the amazing ease of application - you literally sweep it on and go its so matte that it feels dry (but not drying) like part of your skin and there is no chance of this caking. The Dream Creamy Foundation is more like your typical base but it really is creamy - again so easy to apply and is fantastic for those days your skin is feeling tight of blasted by this cold weather as it doesn't dry your skin out. It is so smooth and gives a fantastic coverage so you don't need to use too much.

So which should you try? I just can't decide. If you like building up your base then I'd say the Dream Creamy Foundation is the one for you as this is more blendable. If you want something that is amazingly easy to apply and gives great overall coverage then go for the atte Mousse. Or if you are like me and can't decide get one of each - they are both under £10 and you'd pay a lot more for designer make up (which is lovely don't get me wrong but who can actually afford to wear it every day!).

The only problem is that now I really want to try the other Maybelline mousses - highlighters, bronzers and blushers. Watch this space xx

Tuesday 19 January 2010

New Year, New Handcream

I always suffer from dry hands - Mr J tells me this is because I use hand cream but I did only start using handcream because they were in such a state so I'm going to ignore him. My hunt for the perfect cream has been going on for years now and every time I think I've found the one it either fails me or stops being made!

So although I know this will probably mean the end of its life on the shelves my latest favourite is by Boots - it's their Traditional Skin Care Hand Conditioning Cream. It looks great as it comes in a rather old school looking tube and you only need a small amount to make a difference and I think it really has had an effect on my dry mits. The only downside is I'm not a fan of the smell, this is not to say that everyone will hate it but I am really not keen. However, I don't care because it works and doesn't break the bank. Perfect start to the not-so-new-anymore Year xx

Wednesday 6 January 2010

New Year Cheer

Happy New Year everyone. I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and New Year. It's a really difficult time of year now. Back to work, no Christmas to look forward too, bizarre snowy, cold weather (rather than the permanent 4 month drizzle we're used to)it's pretty hard to feel positive in January. However whilst rummaging through my handbag I found something that literally made my month and if you feel the need to treat yourself or a friend I have exactly the thing.

Now I've mentioned it before but Mac Lipglass is just the most lovely lip colour/gloss around. It doesn't stay on longer than any others, in fact it probably stays on less than quite a few and its definitely not the cheapest out there but it's just plain nice. It tastes good, it looks great, there's a colour for everyone and... well frankly it feels like a treat. I have it in Pink Lemonade which is a real bright pink which I would never normally go for (even more of a treat). It really cheers me up to paint it on in the cold office xx
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