Thursday 23 December 2010


The wondrous Erica has gone on holiday so yesterday for my festive hair removal I had a different lady torturing me. I asked for my brows to be waxed and she asked if I'd tried threading which is what she recommends. I've only really seen it being done on ladies in shopping centres - seriously who wants to get anything like that done in a public place - so hadn't tried it and have been perfectly happy with the waxing results and threading looks really painful. The new lady said it wasn't painful and she'd try the threading on me and if it hurt she'd stop and she'd wax the rest. I'm British, of course I wasn't going to say if it hurt. It was excruciating. The results were nice and probably more natural but it was painful and it took longer and I had to hold down my eyelid which smudged my make up. Back to waxing for me. I am being wet? xx

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Necessary Treats

When I was in Boots buying some moisturiser for my friend who'd just had a baby I accidentally found myself in the lip balm aisle looking for something to keep in my car for those long cold journey's when you can't rummage around in the bottom of your bag. I'm not a huge fan of tinted lip balms as they are always slightly the wrong colour but I thought I'd try out Blistex Tint and Shine. I LOVE IT. Yes I did mean to shout it's that good. The colour is great, it doesn't dry your lips out which I find a lot of tinted balms do and it is just fabulous in every way. I actually long to go on car journeys just so I can use it. In fact I'm going to get some more to keep at my desk so I can have a little spruce up every now and again at work. It also tastes good which is an added bonus.

Tuesday 7 December 2010

New Blog

I've set up a new blog. Not that I am deserting this one but I wanted to have one for non-make-up things. So now I've got Blue Sky and Bunting too which is about cooking and books and things like that. You don't have to visit it but I thought I should mention it anyway xx

Monday 6 December 2010

I Want it All... And I Want it NOW

I'm just in the mood for some new nail varnish and have been looking on Butter London for some inspiration. Trouble is I just want them all. But I have narrowed it down to two... Rosie Lee and Pillar Box Red. Something glitzy and something classic. Still on the hunt for the illusive gold glitter varnish though. Where is it? xx

Friday 3 December 2010

Christmas Wish

Estee Lauder Idealist
Had a sudden realisation that the product I would most like for Christmas is the Estee Lauder Idealist Pore Minimizing Skin Refinisher. I know I've blogged about this before (ages ago when I could afford it) but Christmas really is a time for treats and I can never bring myself to pay that much money for non-essential face product any more. There I've said it - it's not essential but it is lovely and does work.

I've also decided that I'd like some more of my favourite moisturiser (joint favourite with Clarins Hydra Quench) Origins Make A Difference cream. It smells great and it is silky smooth and just yummy and actually I think it's the ultimate January cream. xx
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