Friday 14 May 2010

Lancome (Make Up 2 - Top 10 for 2010)

Now I have to confess I've been a little naughty. In my original list I said I was going to try out Bobbi Brown Lip Colour in Beige... well I'm not. I changed my mind I fell in love with another lip colour and I thought I should review that instead.

Lancome L'Absolu Rouge LipstickCoral is supposed to be this seasons lip colour - I've been wearing it on my toes for ages but couldn't imagine it looking very good on my lips but after a lot of testing (I know you aren't supposed to actually try them but how can you tell if you don't...) I settled on Lancome's L'Asolu Rouge Advanced Replenishing and Reshaping Lipcolour in Orange Sacree. I LOVE IT. Ok so it tastes so good that I've chewed most of it off before I get to work and I did immediately had to steal my mums lip liner so it didn't make me look lipless (Cover Girl Lip Liner in Hazel if you want to know) but the colour is just so summery and fantastic I don't mind.

The only problem with this lipstick was the price - it's £18 which for me is a lot to spend on a lipstick. I don't know why... maybe I'm behind the times. I have to say that initially I did have buyer's remorse. £18 can get you so many other things that you might need but now you'd have trouble separating me from this new favourite. This is a real treat for yourself so go in and get it guilt free... i'm sure you've done something to deserve it xx

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