Tuesday 6 April 2010

Barry M Fine Glitter Dust (Make-up 1 - Top 10 for 2010)

I'm a little bit like a magpie about shiny things so doing glittery eyes is something I've always wanted to try but have frankly thought were a bit too much a pain to do. But after seeing Barry M's Fine Glitter Dust in a magazine I just had to give it a try. I'm still not sure how you apply this without looking like a childrens party just happened on your face but it actually stuck to my eyelids better than I thought it would and obviously if you are using this you can do the eyes first so you scrub any flyaway glitter off your face!

I had some silvery grey eyeshadow on underneath and then dabbed the Fine Glitter Dust in Silver on over the top. It looked really good and obvioulsy you can have as little or as much as you want and it comes in loads of different colours (I went a little crazy and bought loads). They are incredibly cheap as well so great fun as presents.

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