Friday 26 February 2010

My Top 10's for 2010

I spend quite a lot of my time reading magazines, papers and blogs and making lists of products I want to try. I then lose these lists about the house and they turn up months later and then I lose them again... So I decided that this year I'm going to choose ten beauty products and ten make-up products to try out this year - one of each a month starting from March. The first one is Barry M Fine Glitter Dust - voted top eye colour by various magazines - which has just arrived. I've wanted to try out some glitter on my eyes for some time now and then realised after ordering that I'm going to need some sort of party or something to be able to carry off the glitter look. Either that or my next trip to Tesco's is going to be uber-glamorous.

The full list will be up soon so let me know if you have any suggestions or anything you've been wanting to try out and I'll add it to the lists! xx

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