Wednesday 6 January 2010

New Year Cheer

Happy New Year everyone. I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and New Year. It's a really difficult time of year now. Back to work, no Christmas to look forward too, bizarre snowy, cold weather (rather than the permanent 4 month drizzle we're used to)it's pretty hard to feel positive in January. However whilst rummaging through my handbag I found something that literally made my month and if you feel the need to treat yourself or a friend I have exactly the thing.

Now I've mentioned it before but Mac Lipglass is just the most lovely lip colour/gloss around. It doesn't stay on longer than any others, in fact it probably stays on less than quite a few and its definitely not the cheapest out there but it's just plain nice. It tastes good, it looks great, there's a colour for everyone and... well frankly it feels like a treat. I have it in Pink Lemonade which is a real bright pink which I would never normally go for (even more of a treat). It really cheers me up to paint it on in the cold office xx

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