As the name suggests this is an affordable, modern, organic hair care range which protects you hair and your wallet. There are a couple of ranges from Mop - the Glisten that I was testing is a natural shine producing range designed to accentuate the hairs natural pliability and lustre. Because this has made a noticeable difference I really wish I was trying the MOP Glisten Conditioner

The MOP Glisten Shampoo
Although this is not specifically a volumising shampoo like I would usually go for this, as with the majority of shampoos (except Head & Shoulders I HATE Head & Shoulders) does give your hair lift if you really massage your scalp - there is no way this is going to coat your hair and hold it down. It adds shine and I can really feel the difference in the texture of my hair. If you are having hair troubles then give this a go. Highly recommended xx
P.s Mr J and I got engaged a year ago today - have been secretly reliving it (the rain, the shouting, the swearing, the champagne) all day. Can't believe it was a year ago... where's the time going... where's my life going! xx
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