Tuesday 27 January 2009


Last year I vowed to spend my clothes budget more sensibly. Less Primark more designer.
Cheap clothes just don't last. For the five times you've gone on a bit of a spree in Primark you may as well have saved that and then bought one really nice well cut pair of jeans that will last for ages. Or a really sensible cashmere jumper... It's all very well saying that but in practise sometimes you really want temporary quantity rather than extended quality.

With cheap clothes you become all attached and then they just fall off you six months later (or one wash later in the case of Primark... ). I have, however, just bought two pairs of Topshop jeans online. Why online when I know that they won't fit? Because I am associating 'credit crunch' with not leaving the W6/W4 area and that money saved on travel can go on Internet shopping. I know Topshop isn't cheap cheap but I usually get Replay or Diesel jeans as I get through about 3 or 4 pairs a year (they go at the thighs and there's nothing I can do about it!) so £40 at Topshop is much more reasonable and I figure that if I have loads of jeans then I won't burst through the seams of my favourite pair six months after I've bought them. I think this is a sensible policy. Not sure how Mr J will feel when he's living in a denim emporium... mind you I am addressing and sending out our engagement party invites this evening whilst he pays squash so I think I deserve to be thinking about my new purchases while I do it.

What really gets to me though is that I seem to have stopped growing with a 31 inch leg. 30 is too short 32 is far too long. Time and time again I get told to take my trousers to get taken up at the dry cleaners but I don't want to have to. I will. I will get over it and take them all at once and go and maybe even learn how to do it myself on my sewing machine (if I get the one on the wedding list!!! doubtful). I can't be the only one with in-the-middle length leg can I?? Really??

In a products update the Environ DermaLac lotion if FANTASTIC. I still have little lumps and you do need to use it everyday but if you have dry skin patches on the tops of your arms (or anywhere on your body I suppose) use this product. It is the one that works and is worth every penny of it's £30ish price tag. 'Exfoliate, DermaLac, moisturise' is my new mantra and it's working a treat xx


  1. I feel your pain on the jean front - I thought I was the only person with that problem but I am relieved to discover that it is not so. Why can't designers take this issue on board and solve this problem -ie make the jean material thicker in the thigh region? It is bloody irritating and I literally have just been down to Westfields to buy a new pair of jeans....so we're on the same wave length with that one! xxx

  2. Oo where did you get yours from? I went into Replay in the westfield and tried to explain my short leg problem and they were so unhelpful (literally just pointing at the racks of jeans) that I left again so any tips on where is actually good in there would be fantastic xx


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