Wednesday 27 August 2008

Pretty Feet

To celebrate our birthdays Miss F and I went for a Champagne Pedicure at Savana Spa in Westbourne Park. For £60 and 60 minutes you get the works all whilst sipping on a glass of champagne - what really clinched the decision for us was that you get to sit together which is actually quite a rarity! We arrived in our flip flops filled out the massive questionnaire and tried not to get too giggly. We were sat opposite each other which although was better than not sitting together at all made us feel like we were dominating the whole of the spa and talking over the tops of the pedicurists heads. Which we were. I hate to be anything other than gushingly positive about places like this because frankly I wouldn't want to be faced with dealing with someone elses feet for an hour but although this pedicure was fine it wasn't amazing and I'm pretty sure not worth the £60.

The nail painting was and is beautifully done. Nearly a week later having been barefoot through sand and be-flip flopped for most of the time not only is there not a chip in sight but they are still really shiny. For me the important thing is the massage of which there was barely a rub. I looked on enviously at Miss F's 1 minute massage and wished I could ask for longer but I'm British, and she'd already started applying the varnish.

The file was not vigorous enough either - both of us had dry skin left over afterwards although the hot foot soak with oats was lovely and really did soften our feet up. However, I can paint and soak my feet myself but rubbing and filing are not so easy. Miss F did manage to finally track down the most orange of orange nail varnishes - you can now see her feet coming from miles away. I really loved the experience but we'll be trying Miss F's usual place in the months to come to see how their £20 one compares. A little too favourably I think... xx


Wednesday 20 August 2008

On the Move

It's a pretty busy time of year. It was Mr J's birthday yesterday so spent the weekend shopping for him and wrapping pausing briefly to cook spag bol for some friends on Saturday night. It's my birthday tomorrow so I'm decadently going home tonight (after a birthday pedicure with Miss F) to spend the day with Mumma and Papa B and then whizzing off to Norfolk for hopefully a weekend in the sun. This may sound like a lot of fun, and it is but it is all under the cloud of knowledge that I should really be packing up and sorting out my stuff as I'm moving in with Mr J and seem to have accumulated more possessions than anyone would ever need.... hence the silence. And I'm going away for two weeks on the 31st. It's going to be a busy couple of weeks xx
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