If it is this month that I am declared bankrupt then I shall be holding Miss M a little responsible. We took the day off work on Thursday to go shopping. It sounds extravagant but with both of us working in badly paid industries we both rather felt like we have been constantly on a strict budget since leaving university. So we wandered through Selfridges and manged to restrain ourselves although, for me, the beauty counters are like heaven. We nipped into Boots on
our way to Yo Sushi for some lunch, just to pick up some L'Oreal SuperLiner for me when lo and behold we get waylaid by the Benefit girls wanting us to try thinks. Stronger women than us would have kept on walking but next thing I knew I was at the till with Dr Feelgood, Hollywood Glow, and That Gal. They didn't even have any of the eyeliner left!
Both of us are aware that quite often with
Benefit they look great but don't actually do anything. Miss M got off lightly by getting That Gal and Lemon Aid - the latter I swear by and use every day. As for the former... I'm not so sure it does anything. It's a primer which goes on before your foundation to brighten your face and keep your make-up on. Whilst it may keep my make-up on I can't say I've noticed any brightening... but then again it's hard to tell under bright office lights what's going on! But for £19.50 I want to see some difference!

Dr Feelgood (£19.50) is supposed to give you a smooth matte finish when applied ove
r your make-up. However, the girl in the shop informed me that she uses hers underneath her foundation. This does seem more sensible to me as surely you'll just muss up your foundation by rubbing anything over the top of it but again I can't see it making any difference. It does smell nice though... and feel nice. But as for closing my pores and giving my face a matte finish? I just don't see it. But again it's early days and I may yet be surprised. As for the Hollywood Glow. It must just be my skin that likes to be as pale as possible. Miss M loves this... I can baste it on to no avail. Nothing. None of the promised 'rose-bronze' tint. But I'm determined to get my £16.50's worth and make it work. Back to the bathroom for me for more experimenting I say. I'm determined that it will be money well spent. xx
Yes the beauty counters of Selfridges are completely evil. I use Dr Feelgood, not sure how effective it is but it certainly feels good. I wear it under the foundation.
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