Having had a fantastic but rather over the top New Year's Eve I have only just started recovering from the return to work. I try to never make any resolutions as I a) know how bad my will power is but b) will just get even worse January blues when I break them. But I do endeavour to be a bit healthier and fight back against the excesses of Christmas. I'm trying not to drink during the week, and cut down on smoking. I've also gone to trusty
Boots and purchased my 3 for 2 vitamins - although this seems to be a case of shutting the door after the horse has bolted as I've just stopped coughing from my Christmas cold. I know I said that my spangly new laptop would
improve the blog but I'm still
transferring things across from the old one (partly because the old one keeps dying and having to be revived and given time off). But we're getting there.
One of the many news stories that upset me over the Christmas period (so much death, so much destruction) was the shooting of the Siberian Tiger at San Francisco Zoo. My heart goes out to the family of those mauled by Tatiana especially to the Sousa family. However, I feel that shooting a tiger (endangered at that) for being a tiger is like shooting a dog for barking (I hope I'm not giving anyone any ideas). They haven't shot the person who made her fence 4ft too low have they? I do understand that lives were in danger but surely they should have a tranquilizer gun on hand for these kinds of situations? For an animal that is constantly at risk of extinction it seems ludicrous to allow this situation to arise where one is shot in the captivity which is supposed to protect the animal and teach people about them.
Anyway enough of my animal ranting - January is all about survival and while I've been writing I came across the ultimate blog for those of you who wish that you were able to leave the office and travel the world but never have the time, money or have had your soul sucked dry by the constant monotony of working life. Never fear Jeff Henderson is doing it for you - go check out
Clerk & Teller. It will whisk you away from dreary January and give you great ideas for planning your travels. And as usual
Ondo Lady has started 2008 in style - a great way to get info on the latest reads, fashion trends movies... well just about anything you want an opinion on she's got it!
I wish I co

uld add some insight about the January sales (which now seem to start before Christmas) but I have been too poor to venture within a 1 mile radius of a shop (
except to buy some healthy food in an attempt to start 2008 thinner than I left 2007). I wish they would have March sales instead - giving our bank accounts time to recover for a real spending spree. If you feel you've
earnt a reward for making it back into the office however,
Philosophy (0870 990 8452) have come up with the perfect January treat. Their
Portable Therapy at the Office (£22.50) is designed specifically to help your skin deal with busy schedules, extreme heating/air con, and help you feel energized at this depressing time of year. The handy bag contains
empowermint face spray,
empowermint hand cream and
empowermint lip shine. Go forth and philosophise xx
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