Monday 17 December 2007

Sniffle Sniffle

I managed not to disgrace myself at the Christmas party which was so fun, Miss K has flown off to Canada, and I have suddenly succumbed to the horrible cold that's been going round. I had to slink home from work early today to lie in a dark room. I'm hoping that the Lemsip will knock it on the head.

It has not been a good week for Amy Winehouse who is to be questioned by the police in relation to her husband's arrest for GBH and perverting the course of justice. So Amy being Amy goes to the pub at 6am for cocktails and makes a suicide pact with her prison bound husband. Fellow press meltdown nightmare Britney Spears has been barred from her favourite hideout the Beverly Hills Four Seasons. It does not look like either of them will be changing their ways any time soon.

On a brighter note, for those of you who are fans of Cashmere look no further than Eric Bompard's stunning collection which is must for anyone who loves french style. For anyone wanting a cashmere present for Christmas visit the website here and there's 20% off scarves, stoles and hats until 24th December so definitely worth checking out. There are so many colours available that you should be able to find the perfect present - from Eucalyptus Green classic hats and Intense Blue scarves to Mixed Cork Brown jumpers and Charcoal Grey for those who like something a bit more sedate. The website is incredibly easy to use so get clicking. xx

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