Wednesday 29 August 2007


The now Mrs H has very kindly sent me some photo's of the wedding so you can see the finished product from my months of discussion on what make-up we should do. There are not close close close ups yet but her are a couple in which I think you'll agree she looks fabulous (that sounds like I'm blowing my own trumpet... lets face it she'd look amazing in a in bag) xx


Monday 27 August 2007


Right - I know how this is going to sound and there's nothing I can do about it. You are going to have to bear with me. This is going to sound like Carrie Bradshaw but I can't help it... it is also nothing to do with beauty... well it is in a way. I was on my way back from a lovely supper courtesy of Miss W and Mr E. I had been confined to the bus due to poverty and whilst sitting on the 148 from Elephant and Castle (possibly somewhat inebriated...) we crossed Westminster Bridge. I looked out at the Houses of Parliament all lit up in their architectural wonder. Nessum Dorma sung by Pavarotti came on my i-pod. To be listening to such a moving song (especially in light of Pavarotti's declining health) and the view was one from postcards. As we went past Big Ben I looked up to see that it was exactly midnight on the dot. You couldn't have timed it - the song, the view, the time.

It's theses little bits of London that renew my faith in the city which seems to be more and more consumed by crime and political ineptitude. When ever you are feeling fed up with the city I recommend a night bus (the 14 is another great one) for a slow glimpse of a city in which the majority of us spend our time rushing about. xx

Monday 13 August 2007


I have to confess that last weekend whilst having a wonderfully 'London' day (the sun was out, Mr J and I were strolling down the King's Road looking for presents for each other...) I was completely put off buying one brand again. We had gone into quite a few beauty shops that day (are you surprised?) and as we walked into MAC we were greeted by a wall of horrifically terrible house music. I balked at the door but went in anyway. The shop assistants (a man and a woman with terrifying black lipstick) were chatting away at the end of the counter. They continued to chat whilst I tapped my fingers. When the woman eventually came over her disdain for me was tangible after giving me the price of the product I was looking at (which she had to repeat over the blare of the awful music) she then swanned off back to her chat. I left without even considering a purchase.

Why do shops think that pumping house music is a good sales technique. You can't hear yourself think let alone any of the shop assistants and I'm sure I'm not the only one who can't stand house music. I also end up feeling rather like my mother ("what a terrible noise") which is not great when you are 23. I know much prefer going to a big department store where the muzak is in the background and the assistants are there to help. John Lewis on the Kings Road ended up getting my custom.

Thank goodness that the wacky world of celebrities is proving a suitable diversion from the drama of what I now like to call 'in-person shopping' (as opposed to online). Amy Winehouse has succumbed to Rehab (I'm avoiding the much over used but tempting 'yes yes yes' gag), Nicole Richie is pregnant and Britney is now an (alleged) lesbian. I find this all immensely comforting as it makes my lack of money, carpets in my house and any sort of career plan look insanely normal and boring. I am a big Amy Winehouse fan - I can't really explain why. We're the same age and I often toyed with off-the-raildom and instead teetered back to sane living thanks to the firm rule of Mumma B. And she looks so scarily thin that I can only think how messed up and unhappy she must be. She only lasted two days however, so I'm not sure she's on the road to recovery just yet.

Her US skinny equivalent Nicole Richie however, has been looking fab since announcing her pregnancy. One can only assume that it is the addition of baby fat that has improved her no end. I can't help but worry that once she reaches six months she will just snap if she stands up. Surely she doesn't have the ability to hold up pounds of baby. I do really hope that this signals a turning point for her though. Fingers crossed.

As for Ms Spears. Oh Britney, Britney, Britney. I really don't think she would know how to make a right decision if one came up and smacked her in the face (which I believe it frequently nearly has in the form of her various 'close friends and relatives' who are constantly in the press ruing the Pop Princesses behaviour. But for those of you who thought it couldn't get any worse the last couple of days have been dominated by news of Britney's penchant for nudity in public, lesbian pool romps and family rows. It has also been rumoured that she keeps her babies awake til 11 so that they sleep in and to aid this gives them coffee with cream and sugar. Don't hold your breathe for Britney's re-birth as the next Mrs Beeton. xx

Monday 6 August 2007

Me, me, me

Lucky me had a really great weekend. Post dog-death Miss B was a little morose. I did go through the 'I have no friends I'm all alone' stage and now am safely out the otherside. The weather definately helped but so did doing something different with my time. Rather than the usual Sunday with Mr J spent drinking and eating too much whilst reading papers we went with Miss M, to a car boot sale in Battersea. But wait, we went one step further, we took a table, some chair, a great picnic and what seemed like half of Miss M's flat and did some selling. I was a little dubious at first but it was so much fun. I would really recommend it. Proof that there is still cool cheap stuff to do in London. It nearly but not quite made up for the fact that I am living in a building site and have had no hot water for over a week. I'm running out of places to shower which is not good.
Am now facing the usual poverty which the end of the first week of the month brings. Have luckily purchased Mr J's birthday present but for some reason have no idea what I want myself... except about 100 different products of course but I just don't think that that can be my present from Mr J. However, it would be foolish of me not to browse under the circumstances. Here's what I've seen....
  • Sue Devitt Beauty Eye Intensifier Pencil in Surat (£17.50). This deep shimmering bronze is great for adding definition and a bit of sparkle. It is smudge proof and waterproof so this works great as either and intensive liner or lighter for smokey eyes.

  • Paul and Joe Serum (£22) a grease free intensive moisturiser. This frangrance free serum contains honey to aid moisture retention.

  • Shiseido the Make-up Silky eye shadow quad in Lunar phases (£24)

  • Too Faced Lip Injection Extreme Frosted (£17) used in the morning and evening this plumper contains the latest in 'lip plumping technologies'.

  • Revlon Bedroom Eyes poweder liner in Fishnet Jet (£8)

  • Clinique Anti-Blemish Solutions Body Spray (£13) can be used everywhere and even works upside down. Not wanting to be too gross but I want to try this on the hard to get bit between the shoulder blades!

  • Bliss Love Handler (£28). This seems to be being recommended everywhere. It releases caffine over an extended period of time which increases your metabolism. Best used with FatGirlSlim...

  • GHD Summer Travel Bag (£145) comes with a styler and heat proof pouch and some travel sized goodies. Terribly extravagent especially if, like me, you already have some GHD's but I can't help myself.

  • Elizabeth Arden's Smokey Eyes Powder Eye Pencil (£12)

One thing I've noticed since getting older is that presents you saw your older relatives getting when you were younger and thought were rubbish you now really want. If anyone is stuck for what to get me, anything from L'Occitane, The White Company, Molton Brown, Jo Malone (... you get the idea) is perfect. The thought of a receiving a scented candle drove the seven year old me into a decline now I adore them. xxx
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